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Everything posted by Sol_Invictus
In the conversation with Kreia about trusting your companions (with DS she warns that they might betray you), she recommends doing a pre-emptive strike and considering them expendable. If you answer "I will consider you (Kreia) expendable as well", then she says something like "Now you understand." And you gain Kreia influence. I think this happened on Telos when you find your companions in hidden academy.
I've been looking into Gothic II lately and it sounds exactly the kind of game that I'd love. I don't know why I missed it when it came out. I think a lot of people just don't get it when it comes to a good RPG. Sounds like he's attention deficit or something. Can't handle too much conversation. dumb ass gain.
This is just flat out wrong. There is so much replay value in this game, it's dizzying.
What a dumbass! He raves about the dialogue, the story, the characters. He likes the influence system and describes how crucial it is. He describes that your choices and dialogue affect each planet you visit which in turn affect the galaxy - and he is not impressed?!? How many games give you that kind of power and control over the game direction? I can't think of any. Though the things he lists seem to be great improvements over the original, he can't get past the graphics engine issue. He writes a whole page about how great the game is, save for 2 sentences about graphics problems, and yet gives it a 7.5. To use the words from my favorite Simpson's character: worst review ever.
Has Anyone Got KOTOR 2 TSL Yet?
Sol_Invictus replied to Bastilla_Skywalker's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I am looking forward to having 1 tankish char, 1 skill based char - maybe droid or atton rand. and my PC dominating the combat with force scream, force crush and insanity. Muwahahahaha -
Has Anyone Got KOTOR 2 TSL Yet?
Sol_Invictus replied to Bastilla_Skywalker's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I think that all Jedi classes can easily maximize persuade and awareness. Ive been able to maximize awareness, persuade, and repair with only 10 int (and I'm using a Consular). A useful change is the addition of feats that change a skill to cost the same as a character class skill. I have not tried everything but it looks like you can use ANY character to repair and hack and create items. Maybe someone who is further along can confirm this? -
Has Anyone Got KOTOR 2 TSL Yet?
Sol_Invictus replied to Bastilla_Skywalker's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I just gotta add: It is SOOO satisfying to be able to start the game as a Jedi, and cast horror and other force power favs so early in the game! -
Has Anyone Got KOTOR 2 TSL Yet?
Sol_Invictus replied to Bastilla_Skywalker's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Feats given at character creation is sorta the same. You don't get a choice to pick them, they come with the choice of character class. That probably has to do with d20 rules. I think there are a few more than what KOTOR gave. I can't answer about the sentinel feat thing. Sentinels suck: poor at both force power use AND melee, why would anyone choose to use them? I'm playing a consular and it seems feats are few and far between, just like in KOTOR. -
Has Anyone Got KOTOR 2 TSL Yet?
Sol_Invictus replied to Bastilla_Skywalker's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
yeah exactly. Computer skill for making computer spikes, etc. -
Has Anyone Got KOTOR 2 TSL Yet?
Sol_Invictus replied to Bastilla_Skywalker's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I think so. It's hard to tell because I'm only level 6. The game hides all the force powers and feats that will be available once I can choose a specialized class. But there is one feat that looks intersting in this respect. It has 5 or 6 levels and each add a negation to the effects of jedi defense on ranged attacks. In the first game, even on the highest difficulty, it seemed that I rarely had to use shields and ion weapons. I find that I am forced to use them a lot more this time around. But it might be because my character has only 8 con and I set the game to the highest difficulty . . . -
Has Anyone Got KOTOR 2 TSL Yet?
Sol_Invictus replied to Bastilla_Skywalker's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
YES the skill system is quite amazing, even though my character is quite limited skill-wise, I can find other ways to get around those limitations. The game leaves lots of options for creative problem solving. I also LOVE the upgrade/item creation system. Medpacks are few, so I'm forced to look for parts to make them. I can't wait till I have a full party of complimentary characters so that skill use would not be so expensive. -
Has Anyone Got KOTOR 2 TSL Yet?
Sol_Invictus replied to Bastilla_Skywalker's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I'm not sure how to answer this. The dialogue is more intersting and there is a lot more of it. If by subtlety you mean "difficult to get the desired outcome", then I'd say absolutely. If you mean subtle as in "difficult to see what is the lightside/darkside reponse", than no. But I think it should be obvious which is which since the two sides are such extremes to one another. Usually there is a grey area response as well. -
Has Anyone Got KOTOR 2 TSL Yet?
Sol_Invictus replied to Bastilla_Skywalker's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
The characters in my party have so far been very engaging. I was following the development of the sequel since it was announced, and I had always thought that pretty boy, elvis look alike, Atton Rand seemed kinda lame. But his character is actually quite cool, not like Carth, who was a constant annoyance in the first game. Kreia is a very interesting character. Even though she has turned out to be an almost carbon copy of the character that I am building, I couldn't imagine dropping her for a more complementary npc. She is so mysterious that I don't want to miss a chance to learn something more about her history. The 2 droids play a big part in this planet (as you've probably already read), and have made for some very interesting plotlines. I am trying to play a dark jedi, but I find it a real challenge to earn dark side points in the dialogue (and the same would be for earning light side I think) while trying to keep influence high on these characters. I am only half way through the mining planet, and have spent about six hours so far. I can't wait till I finish work today so I can get back to it . . . -
Has Anyone Got KOTOR 2 TSL Yet?
Sol_Invictus replied to Bastilla_Skywalker's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Hi everyone. I'm new. Like a lot of you I was a hard core PC gamer, and still am. I bought an X-Box when my favorite game dev (Bioware) seemed to be devoting more atention to that platform than the PC. I simply could not wait a half year to play KOTOR on PC, and with the promise of Jade Empire my decision was made for me. I bought KOTOR on PC as well, to get the full experience. I still think the PC is a far superior platform (mods, online play, etc.), but the industry is going console whether we like it or not. If you stubbornly hold out, you will miss the cutting edge of game development. I have The Sith Lords, and it is AWESOME. Some people will miss the boat on this game, like they did the last one, and call the combat boring and whatever. I think Obsidian took what was strong in the KOTOR design - dialogue, story, voice acting and made it much better. The REAL chalenge in TSL is the dialogue. I sit on a response choice sometimes for 15 minutes considering the ramifications of each one. The whole influence system makes the role playing very real to me. The way the characters act and every plot device makes the game very immersive and believable. I am floored. -
One thing that I loved in the original game was the character development, and the romance plots. That in itself had me playing twice more to try to get both Carth and Bastila's relationship with my character to the highest it could go. Is there plans to put romance plots in the sequel?