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Everything posted by Black

  1. Oh, joy. Obsidian after being effed and effed in the A again and again by publishers finally gets some independence (2mln+ dollars worth of independence) and they decide to do what bioware tried to do with dragon age. When is the new Divinity coming out?
  2. It already is going to have console-worthy real time with pause so eh.
  3. Adding to this (and bumping in the process) I'd really like, though this is my personal preference, if XP gained and numbers in general were kept to low digits, maybe even single digit. Bloodlines had you gaining 2 or 3 exp points per objective for the most of the game and it worked really well because of how the character system works. Meanwhile games in which to gain another level require me to gain GORILLIONS of exp points remind of MMOs and their audience, kids that want to see huge numbers.
  4. Yes, finding alternate routes to places, successfuly using your skills to overcome various obstacles etc.
  5. Do we know anything about how PE will handle levels and experience? I hope nothing is set in stone yet, because I'd like to give my feedback, the same I gave to Wasteland 2 guys. tl;dr single digit experience points for doing meaningful stuff, not for killing rats. Easier to manage both for devs and players, harder to exploit.
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