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About Kerrig

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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  1. I started out at $140 + $20 international shipping because I wanted the collectors edition. After the Wasteland 2 announcment I upped my pledge to $250 + $30 international shipping. The last few days I was thinking about upping my pledge to the $500 tier, just to help out OE. On Friday I was informed, that i will get a little extra payment this month. After a lot more thinking and calculating I decided to back the project with $1000 + $30 internatonal shipping. I know, that I don't have to add the shipping costs, but I want that every last cent goes into the project.
  2. Omg, I must be crazy. I just upped my pledge to a 4 digit number. But creating a NPC for this game is totaly worth it.
  3. I think it's better to add $15 for shipping directly to your pledge. If you add them later, Obsidian has to connect the two payments through your email or some other id.
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