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About Skysect

  • Rank
    (2) Evoker
    (2) Evoker

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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  • Deadfire Backer Badge
  1. BTW I pledged 130 $ and can't see it https://eternity.obsidian.net/account#products on here . https://eternity.obsidian.net/media/stories only 4 short stories on here . Why don't provide 5 of them on GOG ? It's not nice to download them from separate links .
  2. BTW I pledged 130 $ and can't see it https://eternity.obsidian.net/account#products on here . https://eternity.obsidian.net/media/stories only 4 short stories on here . Why don't provide 5 of them on GOG ? It's not nice to download them from separate links .
  3. Same thing happened to me . Nothing changed when I read it :S
  4. Thanks finally someone from development team heard me
  5. I finished my game and waiting expansion . sometimes used specific weapons for specific enemies . Hope they will add that .
  6. I don't know it's correct forum or not for that but , when I was in Kickstarter campaign I was still using that nickname on some forums . But 1 months later I changed it on everywhere :D But it's still old only on Obsidian Portal . Could we change it with my current name "Skysect" ? Thanks .
  7. After a long play I thought that feature will be nice . Maybe we did some wrong decisions with thats , gave wrong stats or wrong elements or wrong enemy types . Or you know enchantment points are limited maybe we need to delete some others for base weapon upgrade . If that feature will be add in future that will be really nice
  8. I tried to upload my save game but it's larger than 1 MB . http://www.mediafire.com/download/a9mb2d35m4qfkxk/e03a453241924bd0a91a268d74480c53+14406627+EndlessPathsofOdNuaLevel15.savegame uploaded it to here
  9. other characters have their proper weapon visual effects . This priest have frozen slash but I can't see any effect visual on the weapon .
  10. I can confirm new patch doesn't fix anything . New patch planned on May and probably nothing about this again .
  11. It's released with this patch and probably won't fix the problem .
  12. Is that fix this problem ?
  13. http://www.gamebanshee.com/news/115337-pillars-of-eternity-patch-1-04-changelog-1-05-plans.html seems no news about it :/
  14. Because the way SSAA works, it renders the game at a higher resolution internally and downsamples it to the target resolution prior to displaying it. Basically like nVIDIA's DSR (which is, in fact, a form of Ordered Grid SSAA). It works wonders on real-time 3D scenes because it applies texture anti-aliasing on top of geometry anti-aliasing; however, for 2D images like PoE's backdrops, it introduces blur (2D pictures must be upscaled to be rendered at a higher resolution and upscaling leads to blur). Hi new version of injector files released . I updated files . Maybe this one will help to you . http://1drv.ms/1yOv1WX
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