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  1. Nope. I tried that as well. The only option is to load your save from before jumping into the pit and go back from there. The game is kind enough to make a special save there for you. Once you're done with the expansion, you'll have to go back to the burial isle and jump in. I guess Obs will have to buff Thaos, but that's a different matter. Honestly, what a complete pain in the "derriere"!! There is a save game just before activating the machine, why not just let me out of the damn hole to play the expansion before returning to switch on the damn machine then? It feels so counter-productive to battle through the final big epic fight (which was a tough one), only to have to load an earlier game and do it all again,.... So what about the next expansion? Is there any point in finishing the game? I bought the season pass last night thinking I'd crank up the game tonight, only then to discover that I have to load an earlier game,.... after having to scour the internet to find this out. It sounds so stupid and petulant, but I could not be bothered in going back over old ground to play the expansion. I'm not going to bother playing out of spite now. Yeah I get what you are saying, seems counter productive. Im playing at the hardest dificulty you can choose from and it took me quite a while to finish off thaos But im still going to load and play the expansion, it looks awesome and need to get my pillar cravings furfilled
  2. Nope. I tried that as well. The only option is to load your save from before jumping into the pit and go back from there. The game is kind enough to make a special save there for you. Once you're done with the expansion, you'll have to go back to the burial isle and jump in. I guess Obs will have to buff Thaos, but that's a different matter. Thank you for the quick reply, most appreciated Well, Im not really sure of how I feel about that, feels abit strange/illogical in regards to what I experienced narratively with my characters. I do see potential game design problems with having the world being affected by such action and therefore making it quite hard to enter the expansion either not killing Thaos or killing him, would require alot of extra content.
  3. As a continuation of this thread: Isn't it possible to access the expansion after killing Thaos? Do I really have to go "back" in time and load before relasing the souls after killing Thaos? After I killed Thaos and using the machine.... with the expansion pack installed it just went to the main menu. Can anyone help me with this question please
  4. After reinstalling the expansion and restarting my computer it seems to working. I haven't done any changes to computer since I installed teh game and shut down my computer last nite. Btw. kudos for making the save game loads alot faster
  5. Im reintalling the expansion now, which it allows me to do. I will reboot and see if the issue is still there.
  6. Hi Opsidian I bought the expansion last nite and downloaded all the newest patches (also the 1gb 2.0) and installed them with the expansion. The expansion logo popped up in my right corner (didn't have time to actually venture into the expansion). Im not sure if u can start directly from the expansion pack like Throne of Bhaal, if so I could not locate such option. Anyway now this morning im starting up the game and it shows as not installed at the mini logo. Regards
  7. I concure with everything in the topic post.
  8. Thank you for posting interesting content news and information on a almost daily basis Obsidian, I love it ! Good points by the previous posters, I would also like to give my subjective view on the subject matter. The mechanics described below is how they affect my game experience. For a 6 man party based RPG like this, I think it's important for the companions to be equally complete as your own main character. By complete I mean: 1) If one of your companions is a mage, they need to have access to entire mage spellbook 2) Use the same stats 3) Use the same inventory slots - etc. 1) 2): When companions have access to the full skillset, they will feel like a real character. If not they will feel incomplete, handicaped,restrained in some degree. I wont care for them much and their oppinion will have slightly less credibility and weight (obviously their background story and the quality of the dialog will have the biggest influency on this). Also it enchance the gameplay value; the longivity of one playthrough increases. Because I can change my focus to one of my 5 companion, when I do not feel like playing my main character. This is something I did alot in Baldurs Gate 1/2 etc. Furtherly it cater players whom emphasises on customization and tweaking (more 'valves' to turn. adjust and play around with during a playthrough). Obviously companions individual stats can be adjusted, not every companion have to feel the same. 3): One of the very cool aspects of Icewin Dale, Baldurs Gate etc., it's easy to switch your items around within your party, you don't have to be frustrated with companion only items (I just want to point out, Im not referring to family items, I like those). In BG most items had an uniq cool story, maybe I gathered rare part of an legendary items and finally got it forged. Elements like this makes you more attached your equipment, it becomes personal to you. Most BG players would probably recon they saved alot of uniq items in their Bag of Holding for sentimental value etc. So the point is: do not make specific companion slots or less slots, its nice to utilize as many 'personal' items as possible. Companion cannot be stronger than your own main character? As Bos_hyrbrid points out: "if the story calls for it, and it makes sense in the world/lore"; you team up with a legendary Paladin of the Xxxx, it will feel more convincing. Companion might start out around your powerlevel, but as the story progress, the main character could gain extra features unattainable for companions, hence making you slowly stronger. In this scenario you will also feel progression, you have earned your power, satisfaction etc. The main character always have the last word in dialog and discussion along your quest; you are in charge, you are the leader. Companion strength vs. main character strength doesn't have to be measured only in pure stat vs stat.
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