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Everything posted by Macbeth

  1. it depends how broad or specific the classes are. Indeed. Look at Neverwinter Nights 2; that game had a huge amount of (epic) classes and it made for unlimited gaming pleasure! Of course it's true that detailed balancing is a prerequisite for good gameplay.
  2. I see, thanks for the answer!
  3. Out of interest, how do you pay then for Amazon.de and the likes?
  4. Ha! Awesome! Enjoy your character creation! After such a pledge you more than deserve to do so!
  5. True, which is why I'd be happy with the character import alone.
  6. It took just under 10 days to make 2 mil.....if they can keep the stretch goals interesting they may be able to combat the slowing of pledges. Don't get me wrong: 5 million would be amazing and I do hope Obsidian will get there!
  7. 5 million? You guys are very optimistic!
  8. The 2.2M target is about adding a full region, whole faction, along with quests and game content. It is BY FAR the biggest stretch goal set so far. Localization are just a side effect. Indeed!
  9. New game+ would be a welcome addition, if not I’m happy to be able to import characters (items included). It’s fun to be godlike once you’ve beaten the game.
  10. On to “a whole new faction and all the territory it holds. This adds new NPCs, quests, magic items, stores, adventure areas and hours of gameplay. And yes, you got it, another companion.”
  11. Almost there! For a few dollars more ...
  12. Fair enough, I didn't know credit cards are less common in Germany.
  13. Table-top role-playing monks. I.e. the nerds of their day.
  14. Could you write a wiki about that? Think I might want to get in on that action.
  15. Big market for cRPGs -tiny market for potential backers. That really doesn't add up.
  16. How about this : http://forums.obsidi...s/#entry1188511 Not a bad idea either - not by a long shot!
  17. The mega-dungeon would indeed be a good candidate. Watcher's Keep² ...
  18. You will get some more backers, but I do get your point. So what would be a good stretch? 2.4m and they’ll add dragons?
  19. It's not a waste if they do it well! From the official description: ‘Player House at $2.0M adds quests, NPCs, a companion hang out, more dialog, and a new store with new unique weapons, clothing, and armor.’ That’s a lot more than a glorified place to stash loot!
  20. A player house does trigger the imagination a bit more.
  21. Will we get there today? Tomorrow? I need a place to rest my weary adventurer bones!
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