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Posts posted by MiCkO

  1. Well


    "The member lord Crash can't recieve any new messages"

    And my OOoE forum account is inactive, haven't recived any email yet.


    So I post here instead.



    Hi I would like a Sigil with "MiCkO - Wild Mage of the Obsidian Order"


    And a picture someting like this:



    Any crazy mage picture would do :)


    Thank you


  2. I felt exactly the same way, having doubts between the 140+20 tier or the digital 165 tier.

    I really couldn't make up my mind, so I went for the $250 tier and got both.

    A bit steep yes, but atleast I feel that my money goes towards something great, being this nostalgic and all.

    God, I regret that I spent all those money on that Collectors Edition of Diablo 3, such waste...

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