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Posts posted by Cariannis

  1. My favorite sequel has to be Die Hard: With a Vengeance, Samuel L. Jackson was awesome in that movie. But I always liked that John McClane wasn’t some super cop or hardcore soldier, just your average guy that gets caught in a fubar situation. Haven't seen the new one yet but if what I'm hearing is true I'll wait for it to come out of netflix or amazon prime.

  2. I watched Warlock: The Armageddon and The Prophecy. Christopher Walken is awesome. Viggo Mortensen who played Lucifer has to be one of the best I’ve ever seen in that role, pure creepy. Only ever liked the first Warlock movie and Armageddon but since I hadn’t seen Armageddon in like fifteen years I notice more stuff now.

  3. I will admit that I watched both movies for Selma Hayek, who doesn’t seem to age at all (what’s up with that?), but I enjoyed both movies, which was an added bonus. I wonder if netflix has From Dusk till Dawn…


    Edit; netflix has From Dusk till Dawn, 1, 2 and 3. Didn’t know they made that many.

  4. Your picture reminds me of an article I read recently that says that cats kill 2.4 billion birds and 12.3 billion mammals a year…we may think there cute but underneath that cuteness is a cold blooded killer that does a very good job of killing things in the yard that I don’t like (and leaving something for me to step in).

  5. I watched Iron Sky and all I can think about is ‘why did I watch this?’ This is the snip-it “having secretly fled to a base on the moon at the end of World War II, Nazis put the final touches on their plan to launch an invasion of Earth.” Reading that I should have known. 


    I also just watched the Lon Ranger trailer…I am kind of torn I don’t know how I feel about it.

  6. I started to make a comment about JJ doing a SW film, then remembered I no longer care about new SW films. So instead I'll just wish good luck to him with that.


    Being rather stuck in bed this week I saw a lot of trash TV. It's amazing what they'll make a show out of these days.


    I also saw Taken 2 last night. Just as silly as the first one, if not moreso, but there's still something about Liam Neeson lumbering around like a tall, handsome Quasimodo kicking butt and acting all super serious that entertains me. Altho, this was the first film where I felt like he was starting to look a bit too old. If there's a Taken 3 I have a feeling Neeson won't be in it. Which is probably a good thing. For him, I mean.


    Liam Neeson I can not get over this one scene,

    . Now somebody put that together with the Tom Cruise scene here.
  7. For an interesting twist, saw this :


    "What are some good movies that can be boiled down to a premise that doesn't sound like a good movie?"

    (Example: Five high school kids meet in detention. -- Breakfast Club)



    How many can you think of?


    Two guys trying to cut each others head off so they can get a prize and die of old age…


    Or its cowboys and Indians in space with solid shirts and judo…


    Edit: A couple midgets, a tree huger and a wondering leader walk to a volcano to throw something in...

  8. If you've waited this long, why not wait until the "ultimate" edition or whatever it's called is released, which will likely include all the DLC? That's what I usually do if I end up not buying the game within the first couple of months of its release.


    It seems their current policy is not to make these. EA policy, maybe, wouldn't know. They didn't make one for DA2 or ME2.


    There isn’t any retailer interest in a Dragon Age II Ultimate Edition. Really who can blame them?

  9. Do you ever feel racist while playing Civilization? I mean I’m just playing Civ3 and getting attacked by the Japanese and can’t help but say “damn japs just attacked my western border.” I mean at first I think nothing of it, but then there's like a delayed reaction, probably from me being a southerner, that just says “wasn’t that just a little bit racist?”

    I am going to vision you as Walking Dead game's Kenny from now on


    Funny because we’re both from Florida. He’s from Fort Lauderdale though sadly the game didn’t get that accent right. For some reason companies always use the Jacksonville accent for anyone from Florida.


    Edit: Tactically speaking I’m surprised Kenny didn’t get some explosives and blow the Sanibel Island bridge, they could have had a much more defensive position. Fishing at that lighthouse alone could have lasted them years.

  10. Working on a Cultural/Diplomatic type game for Civilization 5.


    Do you ever feel racist while playing Civilization? I mean I’m just playing Civ3 and getting attacked by the Japanese and can’t help but say “damn japs just attacked my western border.” I mean at first I think nothing of it, but then there's like a delayed reaction, probably from me being a southerner, that just says “wasn’t that just a little bit racist?”


    Ohh time to nuke the Germans…Oh playing the Assassin's Creed’s so when I play AC3 the stories well be fresh in my mind.

  11. I got Caesar 3 from GOG and Sid Meier's Civilization IV (complete version) with SimCity 4 off of Steam, all on sale. Best day EVER (so far).


    Mainly been playing Civilization IV Colonization wish they'd make one like that for Civilization V.


    Edit: Wing Commander 3 is 2.99 on GOG...hmm day might have just got better.

  12. Star Trek: Search for Spock.


    I don't care how many new rebooted ST movies they make, they'll never recapture that ultimate bromance of the original Kirk and Spock. ;(


    SyFy channel? We have a cook out every year on the 22 so I watched that with the whole family today, people wondering if Shattner killed his wife and so on.

  13. I’m playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution (got it on sale at Gamestop x-mas shopping) and World of Tanks. Enjoying both so far. Swore I wasn’t going to buy another Deus Ex game after Invisible War but I couldn’t turn down a 10 dollar game.


    Been meaning to pick up Dragon's Dogma but the fact that its made by Capcom has me a little cautions. Don’t know what I’ll do when Remember Me comes out.

  14. And, that sentence about the the colours is a flat out lie. The differences of the endings were more than just colour based. Don't make stuff up. It's very rude.







    Yea I have nothing really to add to that…but…



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