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  1. Same issue, also on Mac. Turning off MSAA fixed it
  2. This is something I don't get about some people here. Firstly, more choices means you can customize your own experience by choosing what race you want to be. Secondly, you may not like them but what about others who do want them? Its not about player race choice, its about what it means for world building. Why are elves and dwarves so universal across fantasy worlds? Why is it wrong to feel like using elements from other fantasy worlds makes this one feel less original? Unless this game is explicitly set in the D&D cosmology then the idea doesn't appeal to me No, look farther into history. Tolkien with influence from Norse mythology, etc. Elves and Dwarves are not purely D&D things. And of course, it's best to avoid copying other things that are either pure D&D or mostly D&D with myth influence. At least Elves and Dwarves (perhaps in different name) exist in some form or another in many places outside D&D. The words "elf" and "dwarf"? of course those go way back. The concepts of elves and dwarves as depicted in basically every fantasy RPG ever, including the Witcher games? Those are descended pretty clearly from D&D, which in turn borrowed them from Tolkien. If Obsidian says "there will be elves and dwarves" I'm assuming they're playing on our knowledge of what that basically always means in RPGs, and not saying "there will be races based on European mythology from the 800s". I don't expect elves to be mischievous forest sprites or to be literally tree spirits made of wood. Elves and dwarves bring certain associations with them these days.
  3. This is something I don't get about some people here. Firstly, more choices means you can customize your own experience by choosing what race you want to be. Secondly, you may not like them but what about others who do want them? Its not about player race choice, its about what it means for world building. Why are elves and dwarves so universal across fantasy worlds? Why is it wrong to feel like using elements from other fantasy worlds makes this one feel less original? Unless this game is explicitly set in the D&D cosmology then the idea doesn't appeal to me
  4. Yeah, I really hope they don't use elves and dwarves honestly. Even when done in interesting ways like in the Witcher games I'm still just...tired of them. They make it feel like an unoriginal world in some serious respects. I mean, what good reason is there to have them in besides their history as part of other fantasy media?
  5. I don't think I'm alone in being slightly disappointed that this setting is going to include "elves" and "dwarves", is there any chance of that changing?
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