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Posts posted by Yaskaleh

  1. From the start the reactivity of the game has been very slow. Going through character creation takes forever as each click of a button takes 5-20 seconds of freeze before I'm able to interact with the game again.

    Anyone else seen this problem? I don't really know how to better explain it so that it can be fixed.

  2. An ancestral side to the Barbarian would fit. The Germanic and Norse "barbarians" revered their anscestors, to call upon your anscestors in time of need would fit if they based the Barbarian class upon them. It could take the form of a spirit mask or a physical mask as some has suggested.

    They, just like tribal groups aronud the globe, had shaman. To add a shamanistic side to the Barbarian class would be interesting.

  3. Tolkien's trilogy, while great, is actually very, very sanitized. Not to mention the generally unambigous white/black storyline and characters.


    I do prefer more grey settings. What I was trying to get at was the looks and feel. Can you imagine a Noldor warrior running around in a string mankini armour with a sword the size of a skyscraper while trying to get you in bed? No, they're noble warriors who uses equipment and weapons that would work in the real world.

  4. When exactly the last time we've seen true Tolkienish races? When did last time you had a talk with a faerie queen dressed in simple white dress taking steps down from an elegant elvish pavilion, instead of standing in some market dressed in chain bikini and waving her long donkey ears? When did last time a proud dwarf was becoming battle-brothers with noble elf in well-handled dramatic encounter? Most of the races in fantasy games today are diminished to a gimmick (elves as sex-symbols, dwarves for forced steampunk references, and those funny pesky gnomes).

    I always thought that it's hardest to bring in classic archetype, because it would happen to be very boring, *unless* you make it that good, that it would resonate the biggest in the audience.

    I want classical fantasy races done clever and good.


    Agreed. I'm sick and tired that elves in modern games are just there as sex symbols. I miss the old days of Tolkien.

  5. It would be nice to see the 'traditional' races, but taken more to extremes.


    Take elves for example: generally tall, lithe, mysterious forest dwellers, often distrusted by humans. Why not expand on that and instead of having them as tall, pretty, magical versions of humans, focus more on the strange and alien aspect of them. Imagine a cross between 'greys' and Slenderman. Tall, terrifiying creatures that live in the forest and are hardly ever seen, but are known from stories to abduct travellers.


    Dwarves could almost be living stone. Imagine the scene from Aliens where they're walking through the corridors and we see the xenomorphs coming out of the walls, but make the walls stone and the xenomorphs short, rocky humanoids.


    The races wouldn't necessarily be malevolent, but they also wouldn't necessarily have the same thought processes and morals as humans.


    Just my $0.02


    Those are actually pretty good ideas!


    The problem with that is that you probably would push away those who are fans of elves and dwarves. Wouldn't it be better to have new races who are like these changes instead?

  6. I love dwarves and elves, I seek out rpgs that uses them. Thoguh I do not mind seeing them in new shapes but it kinda depends on how they do them. For example, the elves and dwarves of Dragon Age I was solid, though I do love my elves in a less enslaved matter. Dragon Age II failed brutally when it comes to the elves.


    What has always drawn me to elves are the combination of intelligence, magic, knowledge, stoicism, dexterity and agility over brutish strength. Best example of this is the High elves of Warhammer.

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