What is for you the PS:T style? And what should the devs take and leave from the best rgp ever made on pc ?
For me, one of the most important aspect is the main quest : they should at least take that from PS:T : a quest which is not directed towards the outside world, but towards the inside : who am i ? What do I do here ? What is happening to me ? Why do I have those characteristics ? Is this a dream ? And possibly a main question like in PS:T : what can change the nature of a man ? Or go one notch further : is it possible to change the nature of a man ? What is the nature of a man ? Is there even one ? And all the adventures of the main character would serve to change him on the inside, and not primarily to change the outside world. What I don't want to see as a main quest is : gather your party and fight the evil; because that's boring to the bone.
Magic should not be used only as a weapon, but it should be part of the world, part of the everyday lives, of the everyday problems and solutions, like in PS:T. In Sigil, I really felt like I was in a universe where magic was like that when I heard that everything could be used as a portal to another plane, and that the key could be anything : a word, an emotion, an event .. In games, magic is too often used as a weapon only, and it feels like it is just our real world, and guns are replaced with magic spells.
I want deep interactions with the companions, like with Da'akon. I don't really care about romantic relations in rpgs, because it feels always artificial and superficial anyway. And I much prefer deep discussion like the discussions around the circles of zerthimon.
I like strange and deep dialogues with strange beings : a tree, a rock which looks like a human face and other strange encounters, not necessarily related to a quest, but beings with a different point of view, beings which would see the Time in a different way than us, beings from which I could gain bits of wisdom which would serve me or not in the future. A realistic world is a world in which all kinds of useless (dependent or independent of me) things happen.
Well, I think that's all for the moment. What is your opinion ?