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Posts posted by GrayAngel

  1. If it is done good whey not there where romance done good or even great in games but only if they be normal not in your face EAware style.

    BG2 was first game that had romance and it was great you could choose between Aerie, Jaheira and Viconia(best ever written) if you where men if you where woman you get Anomen so it was not so good:) We get many others good examples and to be fair many bad, but do them if you can and want not because you have too. 

    PS. If you make romance in game make Pallagina romanceble i want answer to Hiravias question:)

  2. What about the Novella that Chris was spouse to write it more then 2 month after the release of Pillars of Eternity and there is no update on his work and now that Chris leaving Obsiadian i want to know if he even going to end it.

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    Our resident programmer Roby pushed to get all the steam related assets done before release. We support the following:

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    Ty Kaz for answer it great news.

    PS. I'm asking because you can not like achievements and stuff like that but there are players out there that will not buy the game if they not there, that how gaming change and if some of you look closely i'm the Silver Badge and already be having 2 copy's of PoE;) and it will make more copy of game sold which mean PoE 2;)

  4. Actually i thing a month before game going gold we the people that have backers beta should get the real version beta of the game so we can check it for bugs or anything that should be fixed i know that that what all that the Obsidian team doing but it never too many people to help make game better.

  5. Seriously this topic is still on there will by no Romance in PoE so get over it i count for mods to make some good romance into game like in BG2 some where great and it make me play it many more time, some where terrible but few where great and NPC mod to ID1 where good too. For the people that against the romance in PoE it not Bioware game you can say no and at least for me it can give new perspective of gameplay. For proromancers be real Obsidian is not making the best romance so it somewhat good that there will not be one:) if Chris write romance it would be bad don't make him do it so:).

    PS. Sorry for bad English

    PS2. Chill out people pro- or against- romance people this is not RPGcodex so make it good.

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