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Posts posted by bigdogchris

  1. In a PnP style, or PnP influanced, roleplaying game inventory management is very important. I'm saddened that it was left out of PoE.


    There are enough "RPGs" on the market that have no sense of inventory management. I thought PoE wanted to be different?


    How about compromising and adding an encumbrance system to Expert Mode. I actually started a new game with Expert Mode and hard with the hopes that item weights would start appearing. ;(

    • Like 1
  2. GoG; because I don't like that Steam maintains ownership of your games. Any time they decide to pull the plug or think you've done something wrong on your account, you lose everything. With GoG you buy it and it's yours and they can't take it away.


    The concerns regarding GoG and their patching mechanism will be resolved once they ship the Galaxy client.

    • Like 4
  3. I have a question for J.E. or anyone in the community that may know.


    In the recent video it was mentioned that you can solo the game if you choose to. I was wondering if the team has a plan for how to balance the game? Examples of concerns like, will encounteres spawn different based on how many party members you have? As a party of 6, will there be stronger enemies that you can battle, that in solo game you won't? I ask because, to me, it would seem that as a party you could face more challenging enemies than a solo player and that the rewards would be greater.


    I would be disappointed if encounters were set, regardless of group size, so that the NPC's would just scale down for solo players. I believe the community would much rather see encounters scale up for party's. Another option could be that the basic story segments be easier, for solo players, but optional content/dungeons/enemies could be designed for party's.


    What is Obsidian's stance on this?



  4. One "feature" that I'm really disappointed with in newer RPG's, like DA:O, is that NPC/companion's level is set mirrored to your primary character when you find them.

    You do realize that Baldur's Gate worked this way, right? (It wasn't a perfect mirror, but I recall many characters scrounging about for XP with Imoen so that they could make it to level 2 before going and meeting Khalid & Jahiera, so that they would be higher level when they joined up. Wasn't always easy for a multi-class.)

    That's not enitirely true. NPC's level can be different based on when you encounter them but they are not mirrored and some NPC's are the same level regardless of when you find them.


    In DA:O NPC's where automatically leveled up to be the exact same as you.


    I understand this is a sensative topic to some people, so if you care to agree to disagree with me then I am happy with that. I just wanted to make sure the developers understand some people enjoy, in my opinion, NPCs that are more unique and flavorful, rather than level cloned NPC's.



  5. One "feature" that I'm really disappointed with in newer RPG's, like DA:O, is that NPC/companion's level is set mirrored to your primary character when you find them.


    I'd like to see NPC's have their own traits and personalities when you encounter them. This may mean that when they join your party, they are higher or lower than your expected level at that time. It may also mean that they may not have the 'optimal' skill/ability configurations but rather a configuration that reflects them as a unique person.


    Also, I really enjoy the portrait.

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