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Everything posted by beetfunchic

  1. Main character gets stuck when trying to attack with a new weapon (crossbow in this case) - doesn't move or attack after. BB Rogue goes invisible when using "escape" skill. (can fix with save->load) In the menus the letter W gets huge. Fills a nice big portion of the screen. Namely on Weapons and Will. Sometimes items disintegrate into very thin air when moving them between characters. Also, sometimes i don't know if items are "junk" or if they can be used to craft something. Most of the time the items are usable on some sort of crafting. *SUGGESTION* It would be easier if there was a tab for highlighting all the crafting items. Hair on Orlans in character creation is bugged. The missing hair-models display as a missing face (only the hair can be seen after, floating above the neck) Wizard spells are missing. BB WIzard can't cast anything (besides the blue deflection spell which is visible) because all the wizard-spell-level tabs are empty. Character tab shows that the wizard does have skills/spells to cast but they can't be seen in the UI. Sometimes the Innkeeper trade-screen doesn't initiate. Can't use rooms for resting. When loading a game the already-explored area is again clouded in utter darkness instead of fog-of-war. Item icons are missing. Most of the items are displayed as bags of grain. Sometimes when there is a "quest-transition" (meeting the Orlan on the 2nd level of the inn and letting her go) the display just gets blank (instead of the transitional UI->blank->UI) My favourite bug so far though, is this: DID YOU KNOW: *missing string*
  2. A hour and some more to go... It's F5 time. Or cmd+r if you are browsing from a mac.
  3. Icewind Plane: Dale of torment. With 5 hours of random sneezing sounds for unparalleled nasal action soundscape complete with industry standard eerie howling winds. When you get to a tavern you can drink your *warm ale +2,5* you will cease to cough and you will be able to choose other dialogue options aside from the usual: 1. (cough) 2. *COUGH* 3. [sneeze] 4. \cataclysmic outburst of unnatural fluids/ So it becomes a less-than-sober journey trough the numerous taverns of the Dale of Nasal Winds and you will finish the game by drudging trough the massive amounts of dialogue, which will unravel itself only when you are able to get your hands on a warm ale and push the hectic coughing and sneezing aside for a fleeting moment. It can also be known as: Icewind Flu: Cough it up. This also explains why the central character is known as the nameless one. He has forgotten his name due to excessive amounts of cough medicine also known as *warm ale* / *spirits of the yesteryear* / *whiskey in a jar* / *Irenicus' flu-repellant* / *infernal herb-juice* / *wine-kept-in-a-room-temperature* The game comes to a close when the character utters his last wish: "i don't ever want to be cold again" - and he is turned into a Smoldering Corpse.
  4. not exactly the deep discussion i was talking about, but i get your point *grin*
  5. i don't know how many of you have played Planescape: Torment and read the extensive dialogue in detail but as far as i remember it told about interlayed, weaved realities. It had at least 3 different "layers". The outer void-like abstract layer of reality, inner "normal" reality and the core-reality where all the realities weaved into one surreal plane of existence where anything was possible. Correct me if i'm wrong. This makes me believe all those cross-referencing remarks of mythos and beautiful poetic passages are from a new Planescape game, and since that universe is so free of restraint when it comes to creative freedom - it would be a perfect starting point for a new game (whatever it turns out to be about)
  6. same here. it updates in 24-hour cycles. it means we will have some answers in 48-hours or less... or at least that's what i hope. welcome to the happy tormented/waiting bunch!
  7. "I recognize your pain. Your kind must learn it comes from straining against the turning of the world. It spins thus. You cannot stop it. One day, you will wake up. You will stop pulling. The pain will be gone. Until then all your waking hours are suffering." or should i say... torment.
  8. i agree with above, but you forgot that many of those "names & IP's" hold their power just due to the fact that they represent those design choices... like the Planescape: Torment's focus on the story delivery on the non-combat side just like you said. The reason why i'm excited when i see "Planescape 2: the return of the deep conversations" is just because it promises me the greatness of the first one and more. But it's true what you say Pidesco, those game designs choices are far more important than the IP's or names because their results run so much deeper. Some simple mechanics could leave a mark on you for the rest of your life, even if the package that employs those mechanics is flawed in nearly every other facet. And to be honest, i don't care if the game focuses on combat or arcade style movement or whatever... if it does so in the context of the story as well as games like Planescape did.
  9. ey btw. does anyone know when the opening page shenanigans are going to be updated? i mean i'm eager to catch on the new words with the number two inside the ouroboros. i could sync my phone to alert me when the X hits the fan (that's me... the fan)
  10. It's okay, I don't understand him either. I do. Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide No escape from reality Open your eyes Look up to the skies and see He's just a poor boy
  11. I'm going to start chanting "Planescape!" slowly now... then intensifying by the minute until X hits the spot. I didn't even think about PS:T before someone mentioned it a while back here, but now it all makes sense. All the weaving and all the cross-referencing mentions of mythos. Ouroboros fits Planescape better than anything else. I just hope this is the real deal. One of the best RPG's of all time just might end up getting a sequel. Goosebumps of grandeur... here we come. And for god's sakes bring on the burning man.
  12. these beautiful words make me think games like Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale. I wouldn't count Arcanum out either! That would be a dream come true (another one of those games that TRULY deserve a sequel. Like the old Sacrifice game from Shiny.. that one was one of the best ever if you ask me... like Arcanum was an obsession for me even before it got released) This sounds interesting! Can't wait to hear what this is. I'd get tears of happiness and goosebumps of grandeur if this turns out to be Baldurs Gate (or Icewind Dale) or continuing the story where it left off somehow. those words will haunt me in the coming nights.
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