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Posts posted by PuppyofDoom

  1. Im on steam.


    I am playing hardcore with my wife in dungeon siege 3 but i realise the dlc makes the enemies scale with you.


    Why is this a problem? im like level 15 and all the normal tiny spiders scale with you. they do like 100 damage each. i find my wife playing katarina instantly dying. YES we are gearing and geared as best we can besides horrible drops. but this whole mega scaling is hurting the game as no matter how much armor defenses i get etc. enemies are already above or better than us hitting us for a bajillion damage. lescanzi mercs can kill us like instantly.


    Without the dlc you would be able to farm a bit and get some breathing room. with it installed you have no breathing room for when you level up in the normal game. i find it just horrible and bad thinking on who ever made the dlc's part in this. its fun forawhile but then it just gets ridiculous.


    it also makes normal bosses become a little too insane even for hardcore. the spider boss's tiny spiders. can insta kill you. yes i can probably kill them kiting and using abilties rolling around forever. but then i go into the forest in the back and wolves instakill me. because theyre on and or above my level. its not cool at all. i have to play lucas like a ranged toon.



    its the dlc, i played hardcore before solo it wasnt like this.

  2. NON horrible CO OP CAMERA. being able to customize the camera having better zoom out, getting rid of the tether. both online and local offline. the game was good. the multiplayer camera is HORRIBLE. its game breaking for me and my woman playing during boss battles. i the game would just zoom out more! the tether gets us killed too much.



    ds3 was way too short i beat it on hardcore in a matter of hours on single player. some length to the main campaign with some side quest plz.

  3. thanks for the website im just having a tough time finding a way to resolve local co op top down stuckness.


    if i could just, Be able to make the top down perma zoomed out alot more than zoomed in. or not be bound by the camera.


    Im playing with my woman at home sharing the screen. but we both notice and complain about being stuck together and the camera. Its getting us killed because we play in hardcore. reducing the multiplayer tether to even negative amounts doesnt do anything were stuck to the same screen. i was playing with console forever till i burned out.


    If theres a Dev or console guru anywhere that can tell me how to make the offline local co op 1pc not have such a bad stuck together camera and so close also... or letting me which file the camera settings for the game are maybe could tinker with it.



    i was going through console commands all day yesterday and got burned out. its a nightmare. I was loooking at Sacah's site even they have given up.



    U know Id like the Camera to stay the way it is in SINGLE player. and let player 2 just control the other hero. Being forced into the tether and Camera makes it so that you can get killed pretty easy stuck to things. Is there a command for Camera to follow player 1 or something?

  4. when u ran the game first time did it install the nessasary files? if not you need run steam as admin, if that didnt work than install the distrubution package that comes with the game manually.


    Its in common>Redist even if you already have similar programs you install those. they give stuff relevant to the game.


    this happens to lots of steam users whose steam doesnt have permission to install everything. Its common to be able to start the game tho and have problems because the full package isnt installed. simply just go to ur steam folder. go to the place i said above.



    This is a common steam issue. i didnt see you saying you installed the runtimes needed for the game so i said so.



    Once again ill repeat to drill it in. go to steam go to common go to the games folder go to redist Install all the software.

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