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Everything posted by EWB

  1. 1. All my life i wanted something like a kung-fu fighting role playing game...not unlike "Jade Empire", but that one - although a great game - dissapointed me a bit. Imagine a far east version of Skyrim, with a fighting experience like Tekken in 3D and maybe as many different fighting styles and much more of NPCs and Potential party members....sigh...and the possibilities that weapons would add...faint...aside from the fighting, the easten world provides a spiritual setting, that would make possible a character development, which rivals the virtues in Ultima 4. Bring back a Geisha on the run? What would a spiritual monk do? What would be the choice of a ninja, working for money... 2. Yes, i like endgame settings. And i like a good old zombie apocalypse. But i'd love an endgame zombie apocalypse RPG. And as i'm writing this, i recognize that the awakening of the Nameless one in the catacombs of planescape torment is somewhat resembled by the introductory scenes of the movie 28 days later... NICE!
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