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Blog Comments posted by LglEgl

  1. FF9 meets Fall Out.


    I'd love to see a turn based RPG that takes a bit of a different turn. What if the combat system followed a rock, paper, scissor style. Attack, Counter, Fake, Block. Counter would be used when someone attacks, negating the effect and causing damage to the attacker. Fake would be a fake attack, followed by a real. Attack < Counter < Fake < Attack. And block would block against all. These could also be added to with special options the Player gains through mastery of his chosen weapon.


    EXAMPLE: This is what a fight in game would look like, time would stop and the player could enter in the amount of options he can. Here's an example of two fighters that can use up to three moves.

    Jack: Fake, Counter, Attack

    John: Counter, Attack, Counter

    Outcome: Jack would land the first hit, the second hit, and be hit for the third action.


    The purpose of this would be to give the characters more of a real fight sort of animation, as opposed to the character jumping up, striking, and the points above the damaged.


    As for the story and content of the game, i'd like it to be reminiscent of FF9 with large air-ships that the player can fully customize (certain engines give the ship certain moving capabilities, different canons, defenses, etc. . .) But open world like Fall Out. The open world would be large airspace, devastated surface of the planet, floating islands.

    The story would focus on warring factions, that use Summons to fight each other. The twist is that Summons are gathered from the floating islands. Every time the player conquers or wins the favor of an island, the inhabitants and the piece of land itself can be transformed into a summon that fights for you, until you want to convert it back to it's home land. The way the summons would level up, or gain power would be through modernizing the islands, making the locals happy, and increasing the population. The mechanism for this could be similar to the one found in Assassins Creed II where you can purchase, and improve your castle. So it would be up to the player to forge a peace between the nations so no one has to be used as a weapon of war.

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