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Everything posted by wacman2

  1. Dear Mr Avellone, First off long time big fan thank you for all the hard work. Really mean that. I have few ideas; ill be brief but i am gonna stick links in to help you visualise my arguments: First off new IP or previously untouched one; A swashbucklar/ piratey Fantasy Tactical turn based party RPG along the lines of this excellent but unfinished work by Tom Proudfoot: http://www.proudft.c...x.php?topic=7.0 -Download is legit try it. It may be possible to make it isometric or pan camera style re NWN or top down or both!. But I was thinking that a good idea would be to make a game that has a map similar to warband POP 3.4 (found here: http://forums.talewo...c,126952.0.html ). The beauty of my idea is to make it a Very large sandbox game and to release (for sale) modular narrative story archs in the multiple city's / kingdoms on the map. Very similar to NWN 2 SOZ, but with much more potential character development depth. For example a more skill based system where roleplay of skills helps with the parties development. i.e. the party travels over land (Mapreading skill) a ranger skills are use as 'team leader', over water (Seamanship) Sailor, captain naval officer as leader, underground (Stoneworking, dungeon delving skill) Dwarf adventurer works as leader etc this allows for the EXPLORATION of large areas and scratchs that sense of awe we first had playing D'n'D or cthulu or whatever. My second idea is to make a Sci Fi version with a galaxy map that is Sandbox but obviously one narrative story arch which is also modular based on these two previous ideas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFK4SI_RNw0 mixed with: http://en.wikipedia....28TV_series%29. The main game would follow something similar to matrix cubed but have Pirates /privateers in space instead of a fantasy world. The main purpose of these games is tactical party play with the ability to ride horses into battle, sail ships into pirate fights or sci fi space battles like matrix cubed where you can pillage and capture enemy boats etc. Find spells books to cast more not only in combat but also out of combat. Make alot (not all) of dungeons (ships) randomly generated, loot can also be random for the most part allowing for the 'party' to gear up and progress by dungeon looting (REWARD) and skilling up (ACHIEVEMENT) like how Tom Proudfoot worked it in Pirates of the Western sea. It literally can take ages to explore the whole world. The goal for you guys at Obsidian would be to base the game in a stable 'Sandbox world' then add in in DLC's or content patches Modular Story /campaign archs with set dungeons, storys and loot on top of the sandbox world which encourages narrative campaign conclusion and doesn't remove the parties from the world. Furthermore I would say to make the atmosphere similar to Darklands the old isometric game with spooky lighting for dungeons. Or like dead space hulks floating hauntingly in space. Add in oldschool item weight / bring a mirror lockpicks and food with a little adventurous dungeon delving with backpack space restriction hand held torches and a switch for perma death or work in hero point death buyout as reward for completing the narrative or large tough dungeons etc. Finally you could scale the depth and intricacies of gameplay down according to who is playing. Kinda like -game system spheres of difficulty. You could work it like a slider that would take me from POWS skill based complexity up to and passed diablo style hack and slashers (which i personally hate due to their game system simplicity). So i choose when i start the game how the game functions kinda like the tweaks for which NWN dnd rules were implemented according to difficulty. (CHOICE). I hope you get my drift anyway, my best idea would be for you to try POWS on Tom Proudfoots website and play the game... its buggy and unfinished but you'll get the idea of sea based party adventure that i'm talking about (I hope!). Anyway I hope you read this in the throng of other posts, re The CAPS are emphasise what is offered to the gamer in generic game design in a sense to help sell it hehe. Anyway thanks for reading. P.
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