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Everything posted by cakeisapie

  1. Hi, Chris. My name is Kirill. I want you make a game, 3D-action, here's the plot. User may play wood elves, palace guards or the Evil One. If user plays elves, then elves in the woods, live in wooden houses, palace guards and the Evil One raid them. User can rob the caravans. And if elves are wood, so the forest is dense. In the distance trees are one picture, but if you come closely they convert into 3D. Your game engine can into LOD, amiright? User can barter etc., capabilities like in Daggerfall. Enemies in 3D, corpse in 3D too. User can jump etc. If user plays palace guards, then he must listen to the commander and protects palace from the Evil One (I don't think of his name yet), spies, elves guerillas, and raids them (the Evil One, elves). If user plays the Evil One... then spies and elves guerillas attack, user is commander himself, do what he wants, orders his troops to take palace and go to the attack himself. There are 4 areas in the game map: 1 - humans area (neutral), 2 - Emperor's area (palace), 3 - elves area, 4 - the Evil One's area (in the mountains, there is old fort). User in the game not only can be killed, you can cut off his arm, and if user doesn't cured, then he will die. You can poke out his eye, but user doesn't die, he will see half screen, or he can buy a prosthesis. If you cut off the leg, user can die, or he can crawl or buy a wheelchair, or buy a prosthesis as very good option. You can save the game. P.S. I want this game twho years.
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