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Everything posted by ryden

  1. ALPHA PROTOCOL 2 ! -with more missions around the world and most sub quests; -Improved animations of the stealth phase; -maintain the solid plot and the solid part STEALTH / RPG that made ??him famous ALPHA PROTOCOL. -repair manual saves that in alpha protocol 1 did not work. - with more freedom to approach the location of play, example (if a door is locked and there is a window on the wall, I want to be free to break the glass of the window with his rifle and go from there)
  3. i want the best obsidian games: ALPHA PROTOCOL 2 or similar game (ACTION TPS ESPIONAGE RPG) you have to give up the votes of Metacritic ... we are a lot to be desired in the sequel to ALPHA PROTOCOL. sega did not want to build it?I think it's time to realize it themselves. few months will be announced the Unreal 4.0 engine, I thinkit would be great for the sequel to the best game I played on you.
  4. the only defects were: -the graphics, animations and camera view a little jerky. the rest was simply divine..fantastic game for me...
  5. Obsidian try to convince SEGA, or create a similar project for Alpha Protocol for another publisher. For me, Alpha Protocol is one of the most brilliant ideas you had, instead of promoting NEW VEGAS who genuinely is really ugly, you make a new Alpha Protocol 2 or similar game, so why miss a game platform in the market VG. In italy there are so many kids waiting for a sequel to this game, because the only defects were: -the graphics, animations and camera view a little jerky. the rest was simply divine.
  6. please obsidian...i want ALPHA PROTOCOL 2! the first chapters for me is all I ever wanted in a video game.
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