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About Nightvol

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    The Abyss
  1. yeepee i did it, good thing i had a save game just before going to saquash - i killed him this time and the cutscene occured to answer your question, yes i had danced for vogga thank you all for your help
  2. yes i did, i never got into tekk tekk jar there, is there anything i should do there BEFORE the cutscene ? and there are 2 doors that lead to the same area - as i have seen on banshee - that don't open on the docks level in rest, i did everything - except the thing with the id's for the ship which i can't seem to acces now - the rest i did everything - and the little mouse says the exchange wants my head badly, it doesn't matter if it's still attached to my body i just don't know what to do next
  3. great so what do i do now ? should i have killed saquash ? but if the option to persuade him was there than it shouldn't matter. damn
  4. no, the cutscene didn't trigger
  5. i did, many times, walked in and out of every one of the areas and then went to the ebon hawk but still nothing, do i have to actually ENTER the ebon hawk ?
  6. ok so here's the thing on nar shaddaa : i have done all the quests there but i haven't killed the saquash guy, i force persuaded him to do what i needed. BUT: the red eclipse slavers thing doesn't trigger. it's the first time i play the game and i don't know how to trigger it. i payed the little mouselike guy 2000 credits and did ALL the quests in all the areas - well except for those that i can't acces right now, i think they come later. the little mouse says the exchange wants my head but the red eclipse attack still doesn't trigger - it is because i didn't kill saquash guy ? i even went on and read a walkthrough even though i want to do it on my own but still from what i read i made ALL the damn quests. why doesn't it trigger ? some help would be really appreciated thanks
  7. just my little input, as i haven't played fallout (neither of them) in star wars universe, the heroes ARE restricted to only these two behaviors so it's not only kotor. ok they were badly implemented as stated over and over again but no more could have been added EDIT : i meant no more behaviors
  8. that's why i am not fond of the ideea of having a game on both xbox and PC, kotor would be a lot cooler graphic wise and actually anything wise for PC only if they would not have the limits of the xbox to work with - so PC users will have to settle with xbox graphics even if our PC's could handle a lot more. now i'm not saying that kotor should be from now on a PC only game 'cause we all love it but it should'n have been done on both platforms from the beggining - if it would have been a PC only game it would have been cooler as i said, if it would of been an xbox only game that would have been fine by me as i would of known that cannot be ported (or wouldn't be ported) just as other games are (i.e. dragonballz games which i am a big fan don't come on the PC and i only have a PC but i got use to it) PC gamers would have gotten another game from star wars universe and it would have been all tied up - it would have been an rpg too since kotor would have been a big hit on xbox *whew* i hope you can understand what am i trying to say as this is my biggest post so far in english and i kinda feel i screwed up the verbs tenses
  9. i thought the white-haired chick is Kreia i don't think i have seen the old female jedi so far - do you have a link ? thanks
  10. it has been implemented that button that switches between weapons configurations so you leave the second configuration empty and when you hit the button you are left with nothing in hand so it can be done - but you can't have the second weapon configuration if you want to use the empty hands thing
  11. where would be the privacy then? i know you could just take the visors off but then again a fight is not always when you want it to happen so you could catch anyone whitout their special visors off and kill them whitout fearing the retribution from their friends - not that they could be a threat after all son it isn't really matters
  12. yes that's exactly what i said in a previous thread - we should of been able to make the passing to the dark side a lot sooner than the top od the temple on the unknown world and korriban was the obvious choice - when i first played through the game and heard that i wil have to go to korriban i thought : oh that's when i turn dark if i choose to. imagine my surprise when i saw i have to literaly raid the academy - i mean if i was so dark(i had dark side mastery) and was so powerful(i killed the master and yuthura lady) then they should allow me to have some followers - i mean on korriban i would of killed juhani, jolee, mission and probably carth (or i could of send some of my new strike force formed from the aprentices to hunt him down) so i could of taken some of the students there to complete my party again - maybe carth son, and those other apprentices those would of been my new party of nine along with canderous, hak-47, bastila, zaalbar(if i chose not to kill him) and t3
  13. as i remember saber throw hasn't an attack roll so one cannot save against it, in reality(well, movie reality ) one can stop a saber throw with his saber skills an on a side note - this a second thread about this thing you have started Eddo36 and the other one got closed due to redundancy - the last post was something about malak catching the lightsabre in his mouth and thus the missing jaw so it has been discussed
  14. and let's not talk about they ducking and dodging when attacking a door or a box
  15. yes it would be nice if it wasn't a questionaire but be real that thing : "so, what do you know about revan" is not straightforward ? well, to answer my own question i think it is very straightforward it would be nicer this way (hehehehehe everyone likes what he/she thinks of ): -you: "hey kreia who was that ?" -kreia: "oh that's one of the guys that revan couldn't take out(assuming revan was ls in K1)" -you: "hey you know revan?" -kreia: "yeah, you know him/her too?" -you: "well yeah i followed him in the mandalorian wars" -kreia: "really? can you tell me how he was back then ?" things like that - even if things like that would make you believe kreia has a crush on revan hahahahahah :D
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