"I'm not going to go anywhere near the argument of who is responsible for Fallout's greatness, except to say that Scott Campbell never gets the credit he deserves in all these arguments. He wrote alot of the original story and came up with alot of the characters and places as well." - Leonard Boyarsky
So, that's who R. Scott Campbell is in a nutshell, and why you should care. Nearly two years ago, I realized how little is known about his involvement, and how he tends to be forgotten among Tim Cain, Chris Taylor, and Leonard Boyarsky. Thus I decided get his view on things, and asked him a few innocent questions. However, Scott got carried away, and eventually sent me back a humongous 25 page long article chronicling his whole time at Interplay.
A lot of it is about Fallout, but it also includes general stories about the industry, as well as the struggles he endured in order to work in it. It's an interesting read all around, so get right to it. The first two parts, out of three, are available at No Mutants Allowed:
Part I at http://www.nma-fallo...le.php?id=60785
Part II at http://www.nma-fallo...le.php?id=60788