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About liljim

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  1. Aye. Nothing quite as dissapointing as a company buying the rights of something, then letting it gather dust.
  2. Seriously, running around picking up ter-angreal like they were 10 a penny? Quake was the last thing they should have been basing a WOT game around
  3. Personally, I can't wait Been looking for a half decent wheel of time game (the FPS was terrible) for a LONG time. Used to play WOTMUD, but living in the UK gave me a terrible ping while the people closer to the server were getting 20 ms. That and the whole thing was text based... Now, a MMORPG based on the WOT storyline wouldn't just have a lot of potential, it'd be a great earner if they did it right. Trying to find a good class balance is difficult enough and has been the death of many an online game. Not listening to the players can be just as deadly as paying them too much attention. On the positive side, there's a plethora of engines capable of delivering a great experience already on the market-all they need is a tweak to give them the WOT 'feel' and presto. Money for old rope Now, fingers out pretty please-we're waiting!
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