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Everything posted by tx3000
I'ts clear you have zero conception on what anything is I'll clear this up for you really quickly, a warrior/fighter in this sense is anyone that can use a two handed sword this is a solid fact throught gaming history as well as real history You also clearly don't have any comprehension between a game mechanic and a class specification/trait is. So I'll clear that up for you really fast too: Armor and items are not game mechanics, A game mechanic would be casting spells, choosing dialog, the fighting moves and things like that. You have now proved by your last few replies that you clearly do not know much of anything, and are just throwing up random sentences because you cannot think of anything else to do, so as of this point, until you can learn what you're talking about You really need to stop posting repelies that make yourself look ike a fool because you do not have a clue to what you're talking about. The fact that you're seriously saying the history of gaming and history in real life is all wrong, shows what you know.
I gave you about 4 other sources (Between video, history, the wiki, youtube, and about 90 other games that all outright state he is a warrior. And you saying that even though all the other sources all say what a warrior is defined as, as well as what their class type can wear, you're telling everyone else and the entire history throughout existence is nothing more than an assumption. Another thing I wanted to bring up is that by your logic, a rapier is not a sword because it doesn't outright say the word sword right on it, so it's only assumed it's a sword even though throughout history and games and counteless other sources and blacksmiths thoughout the world, all say it's a sword, you'll say they are assuuming that, and history is wrong..
So despite lucas being legion, despite he can use two handed swords, despite the fact that all legionairs in histroy that can use two handed swords are warriors, and despite the fact that all warriors in history being able to wear any armor type you're still going to say and try and argue, what is a reality about warriors and what defines them is a mear assumption? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warrior_(character_class) At the bottom it says: Warriors appear in many roleplaying games: and it lists these EverQuest The Elder Scrolls Guild Wars Lineage II MapleStory RuneScape Diablo Swords and Serpents But apparently those games according to you don't have warriors/fighters and it's all assumed. You're saying that all those are wrong. And finally you're saying the game doesn't outright state he is a warrior when it does in fact say he is a warrior 1. Legion = Warrior 2. Trained in using a two handed Sword = Warrior those are all different ways to say warrior/fighter. The facts i've presented with the links to all the definitions and games ever made support this. So you can try to say it's an assumption but i've already proved it's fact just simply by real life history and in game history as well.
Yes they do it's called Lucas has been trained with Sword and Shield and two handed swords, Only one class type in any game ever made on the face of this planet can use a two handed sword, and that is a warrior and you know that. The fact that numerous times it says Lucas is trained in sword and shield and two handed swords says right there wher he is. I suggest you go read up on what defines classes in games and realize you clearly do not belong participating in this thread if you don't even know what makes up a warrior class as well as a warrior not having an armor restriction then ry to say it's nothing more than an assumption that warriors can wear any armor type. you trying to say it's an assumption about a warrior being able to wear any type of armor is saying every game on the face of this planet ever made whose rules are written out and has become a cornerstone of the warrior class and it's definiation, doesn't know what a warrior is and that in any game ever made so far to this date has armor a warrior cannot wear. As I said i've played over 15,000 games (MMO, MMORPG, first person, hack and slash, you name it, and every single game I've ever played where there is a character that can use a two handed sword is a warrior and in all those games the warrior can wear any type of armor. Please go try and say it's al an assumption when it's been embeded into every game ever made. You really need to go read up on class systems before continuing in this discussion because you clearly have no clue about what is going on.
Where do I begin and which resource would you like here are a few: First 10 min of Lucas game play this video goes over it in his intro, his background in the game, plus hee is legion and all legion members are warriors.. Perhapse you missed that in the story line. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnDgNfM3zjY Also here are a few other things that state what he is: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/lucas-ch...on-siege/712397 Scroll down to Main characters in this link and under Player characters it explains this as well: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dungeon_Siege...ayer_characters it doesn't need to say it in the game, the fact that Lucus is a warrior/fighter, says it all. maybe you're forgetting or simply do not understand how warriors/fighters class are designed so let me give you some insight. A Warrior class in any game ever made on the face of this planet can always wear any armor type always have been and always will be able to because that's how a warrior/fighter clas is designed. That's how I know and the exact reason why I said what i said. So again trying to argue a point that you cannot argue on is useless. no offense but since you even had to ask that, perhapse you don't know as much about games as you think you do.
Preventing a warrior/fighter from wearing a piece of armor they are supposed to be able to wear is not abiding by any rule in any game...Armor in all games do not work like that. The fact that you didn't even bother to question, why a normal every day function of all games could not be done in this one, shows what type of gamer you really are. It's not a game mechanic when it totally goes against what a character class is supposed to be able to do never mind without an explanation as to why. I'm seriously starting to wonder about gamers these days...they totally make uop every single excuse and try and make logic out of things that don't even belong. But what really geets me is how gamers these days don't see what is wrong with a normal function not being able to be used, especially without any for of valid explanation. As far as gaming goes, a warrior always has and always will be able to wear light, med, and heavy armor, that is what the're class type is, always has been always will be, if a restriction has been placed on something that is normally supposed to be allowed without an explanation then that aspect is clearly broken. and the fact that no one bothers to question or think that there is absolutely nothing wrong with pulling that, shows that todays gamers really do not have any comprehension as to how games and classes and things like that really work...They just go along not even thinking twice, about this totally broken aspect and that it's programmed incorrectly. Go play D&D or soe other RPG class and armor system game that has up to date current rules, and then see if a warrior/fighter is not allowed to wear a piece of armor. The bottom line is this, what is happening in this game totally goes against how this class works in every game ever made. You people really need to start realizing that the games you're playing aren't being properly played with system set-ups like this in fact you people don't even realize how much different the game would actually be if the norm wasn't broken. So far there is no other game in existence that I have played or found (And I've played over 15000 games) that will not allow a warrior/fighter to wear a breastplate....not one game. The fact that I cannot wear one in DS III but can in any other game, shows something.
If you don't bother with things like that then you come accross as a terrible gamer. If something is in a game it's there for a reason, and any player that doesn't question things that don't have explanation should maybe take a look at how they play games and realize they are actually missing the full gaming interaction. Maybe it's just me but a piece of breastplate armor is simply to protect ones torso, and it's usually made up of light to medium armor. A fighter can wear light, medium and heavy armor. So the fact that I was not able to equip a piece of armor my character is supposed to be able to use without any form of explanation why, should be questioned and don't bother trying to say that is not a legitimate issue or that it was explained. I mean seriously, any player that plays a warrior/fighter in a game that doesn't question why a warrior/fighter cannot wear a piece of armor they are supposed to be able to wear, is clearly not playing the game correctly.
greylord, So far, you're the only person on this entire forum, who actually understood exactly what I am talking about. You hit the nail right on the head about everything I said was wrong. You just phrased what I said in a more understandable fashion. To elaborate on one such thing is the items that another character can use. I don't know about you but in every game I have ever played every single item I have ever picked up, had a class restriction or said something right on it...Only usable by (Insert Class/Level) The fact that these items are just there with no connection, is retarded. I mean seriously, what is a player expected to do, hold onto an item and try to get lucky with it or worry that by either breaking it down or selling it you may have screwed yourself over all because you didn't know who or what tha item was for and or used for. Lets get real here, this is no way to play a game. You want the thinking and worrying to go into actual game play, or focus on the fact that you possibly might need an item. These are things that shoudln't even be a concern. It's really simple if i am awarrior/fighter, this means that i can wear all sorts of armor and types (This is due to the fact that fighters can do that) If I cannot wear some armor I better be explained why I'm not able to wear specific armor because not beingt able to wear specific armor as a fighter/warrior without any reason kills the game playablity and enjoyment....Stuff like this should be being explained because lets face it, a warrior that can't wear some types of armor, not only makes absolutely no sense, but totally goes against how a warrior/fighter is put together and when you start making that aspect happen in the game, that puts it into a players head to start wndering if there are other things a warrior/fighter is supposed to be able to do but can't. I still find it highly interesting how not one person offers to talk to me in voice chat..
This is the exaxct reason why I said take this up with me in voice chat via xfire. Although I highly doubt anyone who mouthed off in this thread would have any gal to talk in voice chat. I myself do not care what people say to or about me, I'm simply tryinig to get some things straight that I have issues with is all so hopefully people will talk in chat to help me get this resloved.
Chasted while I apprieciate the replies you posted with some explanations, you along with everyone else in this thread have still completely and totally missed the point to my video. The stuff I am asking about has still not been answered or explained why. So I have uploaded another video that goes into great detail about the major things that are not explained and need to be. Watch this and then try to say this stuff is self explanatory and or explained: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBev_UahyY0 Oh yeah and another thing i forgot to add... Sure the help topic refer to things such as defensive abilities, but there is no way to know what abilities are defensive and what ones are not...what do they expect you to do...just pick one at random and hope it matches your characters style. So far this game is set up so you have to guess abilities and things at random and try to get a good build by getting extremely lucky. So all you get is a bunch of random abilities that may or may not go with your character that are not explained. Yeah way to go Obsidian BTW I would be more than happy to have one of you from here, talk to me in voice chat via xfire regarding this game. my xfire name is takenforaride I won't use ventrilo, teamspeak or skype due to all the douche bags on there.
I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me how it's the players fault for not knowing why there are items that you cannot use and why. again resort to the video because the video shows me having a sword in my inventory that even though I have proficiency enough to use one, it doesn't show up in my list of actually equipable weapons in order for me to be able to equip it. So in short I have an item that I cannot use even though my character can in fact use a sword.
He full well knows exactly what i brought up isn't explained. I mean after all you did say everything is explained and left nothing to back that up. Unless people that leave replies like this on forums get specific and provide actual proof of what they say.a response like this is not productive and is so overly used it's pathetic. If everything is explained in the game as you say then you should have no problem going through and actually taking screen shots from in the game that shows all thhis so called text that contains an explanation to all the stuff I just went over and brought up in that video.
It doesn't explain how to add the abilities/skills to the circles above your chaaracters portrait, it also doesn't explain if your abilities are passive or do they have to be activated. It doesn't explain anything about why you cannot use certain items that you can already use...such as the case with the long sword I use as an example in that video. I have bought items in a store thinking I could use them and then found out I wasted my money because my chaarcter couldn't use them and there was no reason given why my character couldn't use what I bought what does the camera have to do with the game not explaing anything about it's abilies, equipment. simply because you need that information FIRST, that way when you come accross it you already know and FYI there is an indication you can control party members, it's called Dungeons Siege and Dungeon Siege II This is totally untrue and besides even if it was true it's still supposed to have a fully detailed explictly explained how to do all it's game play basics before hand. The way things wortk is having the instructional information ahead of time actually help you play better and makes it more enjoyable..i don't find wasting my money on items I have no way of knowing i can use or why an enjoyable experience I dont' find not knowing how to change characters or even if you can or how to give them items or even open their screens to give them items a fun way to play...all that stuff does is become an irritating annoyance that takes all fun away from the game the bottm line is this, if i cannot wear items i better be told why I cannot, if I have a character in my party, damn right i better be told all the game play basics about how to give them items, how to control them, etc... You really don't think it's important to tell a player at the time you get an additonal party member, whether or not they can control them or how to give them items. OR You do not think it's neccessary to explain to a player why you cannot use certain items doesn't effect what you spnd at a store? You also don't think it's important to know how and why you cannot use abilities or that it's neccesary to explain what ones are passive or need to be activated, as well as how You or anyone is seriously going to try and say that none of that is important enough to explain before hand and doesn't affect how you play the game?
So you think bringing up legite issues about the game that so far not one person has answered anything I've asked and can only flame and post useless comments is wasting people's time. it's the usual you don't need it or can't grasp the problem so it must not be legitimate. You know if you people spent more time actually posting actual answers, rather than useless crap, and going out of your way to cause problems, this wouldn't be going on right now and you know it. If I had the authority to delete comments in this thread, there would be only 2-3 replies in this thread. Because you kids on here don't know how to do anything except cause problems by posting nonsense that has absolutely nothing to do with anything. What started off as legit issues asking for help, has turned into this mess which is usually the case with the kids running around on forum...always out to cause problems and never helping.
Devs need to start addding explicit, how to do game play basics...that solves the game play problems and you're clearly too ignorant to realize that because you don't have any comprehension about what a product is supposed to have or not have in it...the basics are in fact supposed to be there, regardles if you disagree with that or need them or not...it's not going to change that you won't ever be right about this.. your perspective is nothing mor than opinion that some people happen to agree with...it is not however fact.... All the people that simply do not get the problems I brought up have absolutely zero concept of game design or how things work, you clearly think that nothing at all ever needs any instruction and it is perfectly fine for devs to get lazy. Just a message to each and every single one of you who simply do not grasp the value of game play basics. Every problem I have ever brought up in a game regardles of what game it is, has always had it's game play basics with held every single one. Yep the spell system in two worlds II isn't explained properly at all and is too complex... which even through evry clear and very detailed explanation what's wrong, people still don't get the problem The interface in Sacred 2 is not explained and needs to be The stuff I brought up in this DS III video has no explanation and no way to know it either And regardles of what any of you try to or want to say. it's not going to change the fact that basic how to game play instructions are needed and have been with held. <snip>
Sorry when I press F and enter into the screen I see both portraits but only my inventory and stats open not my companion(S) So there is no wya to know how to access another companion and this is suomething you are in fact supposed to be told how to do. As for the part that made you smile, no offense but you're delusional, no where upon no where, does it ever explain how to do anything I went over in that video...not one thing. And there is still no wya to know how to get more icons into the circles or how to know why you cannot use some items even though you actually are capable of using them. Still waiting on that information and no I'm not going to look up game play basics like that. The devs are supposed to be explaining how to a player how to do this...I'm not going to do teh devs job for them...it's not happening.
Call me what you will, but you full well know that everything I brought up in that video isn't explained, and needs to be. What in the world are you going on about?.....What is clearly shown on the screen...and what screen is it shown on. Care to elaborate? Yeah so, what does that have to do with the current abilites you have no being able to be used or switched? ALL GAME PLAY basics no matter how small are supposed to be spoon fed to you with on screen instructions..I refuse to look up how to switch characters, or why some items cannot be equipped in a manual. That information is supposed to be being spoon fed to a player. You people need to learn that when a game has specific interface things andrevolve around specific things then that is stuff you never ever supposed to have to look up because it's supposed to be being 100% completely and explicitly explained to a player on the exact proceedure on how exactly to do it (Yes this means keybindings, what to click, where you click..everything)...Again these are just game play basics you know things you'll be using through the game that you have no way to know unless you're told..I mean it's not like this stuff is important or you will be using it durring game play and needs some basics explained to you..or anything helpful like that. no no why would anyone do anything as silly as explain it's game play basics....Again it's not like you need that information right Get a grip people and learn the proper way to explain how to play a game what teh hell is going on with people and players nowadays where they somehow think important information isn't needed...I'd hate to see you people who think like that try and do math...I can picture it now...all of you saying that basic instructions aren't needed, that complex math equations, don't need the problem solving components in them because you can do it without the basic because it's a learning curve and basics how to instructions aren't needed..and anyone that needs poblemsolving components are dumb... I see how you people operate...no way to function in the real world because basics on instructions on anything aren't needed for anything... Learn how the real world works...basic spoon fed instructions are absolutely supposed to be given for any and all things...and if you don't need them, then you yourself just skip it...but don't go trying to say that just because you don't need them or millions of other people don't need them, that they aren't needed....because that's not how things work.
The stuff I'm going over in this video is not explained in the game (Which is what the point to the video is). As I explain in this video about how there is supposed to be some form of learning curve, however the learning curve is not simple and easy to follow like a learning curve is supposed to bee... In fact nothing I go over in this video has even explained at all. Here is the video: CLICK HERE FOR THE YOUTUBE VIDEO