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Everything posted by xkeitarox

  1. Steam has finished downloading Dungeon Siege III It's fixed.
  2. Haha. It's more personal on a first name basis. And I'm only a newbie because I normally don't hang out in forums. However, since my brain can't handle the backwards camera, I have some time to sit here and try to assist on a resolution to it. You'll probably never see me again, unless there is some other bug or issue that I can help with. Cheers~
  3. Will someone do the community a favor and link to this post over on the steam forums: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/show...d.php?t=1942882 They don't know there are eyes on the issue, and my steam forum account is still pending activation ( same username, xkeitarox ) Thanks!
  4. Just to throw it out here, I played around with AutoHotKey, and the most basic examples of key remapping, IE: /*snip*/ a::d d::a /*snip*/ Is supposed to map a to d and d to a. This works perfectly in notepad. It does /not/ work in-game. I am assuming the game is utilizing low level keyboard/input drivers, so software isn't able to intercept the signals. I also tried prying off my A and D keys, and putting them on the other way around. That didn't work either. I also tried playing with my keyboard flipped around 180 degrees, but then I was walking backwards... I tried another program called "SharpKeys", which is supposed to use registry hacks to remap keyboard keys. This ALMOST worked, in that when I opened up a chat window, the keys were switched, but when it came to rotate the camera, it was still backwards. That's the closest I got. Anyone else got any ideas? Edit: I also opened a ticket @ Square Enix, before I started posting here.
  5. Mr. Moderator -- Whats the best way to get eyes on the problem? Is there a bug reporting thing that we can submit information to, or have you already done due diligence? The steam forums are blowing up about it too. Thanks!
  6. Yeah, A + D keys are swapped. I was /just/ getting used to the control scheme.... Tried some 3rd party software to rebind keyboard keys, didn't work... well.. it worked, but didn't work in DS3. There are 2 ini files in the program files, neither of which appear to have any key binding options in them. ( I do see a preferred_device = gamepad option, which is not my preferred device to be honest ). I can't find a way to revert the game to previous patch. I mean, how does this even happen? It is such an obvious problem, I realized it a few milliseconds after loading up my game. I hope Obsidian will follow through with a near-immediate fix ( a few hours maybe? Like last one... ) As far as details, I am a pre-order through Steam customer. The A+D keys were not swapped earlier today, and the patch this afternoon appears to have caused it. - Bump -
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