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Posts posted by Toast

  1. Turn-based, party-based tactical goodness! Woohoo!


    Even if the game turns out to be ****e not meet the standards of us RPG-connaisseurs, the way the kickstarter fund is going, there certainly seem to be enough people around willing to fund a turn&party based RPG. Which might mean a scroll of resurrection will be used on a sadly neglected but awesome genre. I don't think the game will be poor though. Looking forward to it!

  2. Download the Demo, and judge for yourself, whether DS3 is anylike like its predecessors.


    If its not, don't buy it , but be sure to let the developers know, you won't fall for their sh!t.


    If you think its like DS1/DS2, they go ahead and buy it.




    Yep, you should really let your decision whether to buy the game or not depend on how much the game is similar to DS1/2.

    People who judge a game based on whether or not they like playing the actual game are just not to be taken seriously.

  3. My two florins.


    I've finished the demo with Anjali and got about halfway with Lucas.


    Graphics & Sound


    Works very well. The world is on the generic side, but the art direction is pleasing and the little details here and there make it come to life. (I like the flocks of birds flying off and crowing as you approach them) The lighting and shadows both look really quite good and make the game quite atmospheric. I also really like the blurry effect used for the distant land that you see here and there. Shame you see so little of it though. None of the music stood out for me yet, but the sound effects are rather good. The best thing about the graphics, I thought, are the spell effects. Very well done. The second best thing is that the game runs very, very smoothly. I put all the settings as high as possible and it runs great with no stuttering or glitches or bugs that I've seen.


    UI & Gameplay


    The interface seems to work well. Nothing spectacular, but no complaints. Inventory seems to be easy to use, so the game won't be an IMS (Inventory Management Sim), thank god. Can't stand having to go through games looking at my inventory screen more than i actually look at the gameworld. The camera and controls took me about 10 minutes to get used to (on PC), which is a lot better compared with some other games I've played. (Obsidian's other games among them.) I don't like that the camera view is quite restrictive though. I'd like to be able to look around a bit more and be able to move the camera more freely. The way it is now makes the game feel slightly

  4. Playing Sims:Medieval. Just the tutorial so far, so I haven't seen much of the game yet, but I've been having fun slapping my subjects in the face. Have to keep the peasants in line, of course. I've also tried Europa 1400: The Guild, but about 5 minutes in I got punched in the face and knocked out by the micromanagement. It might be a really good game, and I like the premise, but I just don't seem to have the patience for it.

  5. Hopefully its the lumberjack beard w/swamp hat! :teehee:


    Indeed it is. :)

    There's something strangely pleasing about playing a superspy who looks like he's fresh off the logging camp. If only the game had the shirts and the axes to match.

    And the song, of course.

  6. I'd much rather the game is delayed and there is more time for ironing out the last kinks and proper time for QA than have the game a few weeks (or months) earlier but have to deal with more bugs/glitches/whatnot. Besides, Obsidian could do with a game that is stable and mostly bug-free. It'd be good for their reputation, and good for us as customers.

  7. Finished Alpha Protocol and started another playthrough, now with beard and shotguns.


    Also acquired Dragon Age: Origins and started playing as a mage. Seems fun enough so far and the world looks to be reasonably interesting. Not so enamoured of (some of) the voice acting so far though.

  8. no wonder if you consider what huge negative propaganda crusade happened against Obsidian/AP, silly people who read pre-paid reviews these days can't decide for themself what game they wish to buy/play and then decide on their own if they like it or not, I am still angry how so many people being bribed to write a negative dirt-throwing article weren't revealed. It is already stupid that some reviewers get paid for making positive biased praises but its wrong on a new level to have now even similar thing with people getting paid for writing bashing reviews


    Bribed to write negative reviews?


    I think it's more a case of people expecting a standard shooter and not getting what they expected? 9Even though it does say rpg on the box) Plus Obsidian doesn't have the hypemachine of a Bethesda or Bioware.

  9. Of course it all pales in comparison to the imbecilic story, dialog and to a lesser extent quests. Perhaps they learned something after Fallout 3 although the trailer about the return of the dragons (yawn) doesn't suggest much.


    A cliched story can still be entertaining if told well. Not that I'm expecting much, but if the story is passable, the world is interesting to explore, and Skyrim isn't as terminally bland as Cyrodill, I'll probably be entertained by Skyrim.

  10. "Some female characters are depicted in the game wearing low-cut outfits that reveal moderate amounts of cleavage"


    I wonder how they measure this? Is there an official cleavage-measurer who plays through computer games and takes out the measuring stick everytime he has a close encounter with boobkind?


    Percentage of boob shown under 10% = low amounts of cleavagisation, 10-20 = moderate amounts, anything above that = porn.

  11. The screens look fine to me, especially the mountain fog and the lighting. I don't tend to mind if graphics aren't taking giant technological leaps anyway. As long as the art direction is good, even games with sub-par graphics from a technical point of view still look quite pretty to me.


    Besides, Oblivion looked technically impressive for its time, and impressively bland as well. Perhaps this time, Bethesda's focus is on art direction?

  12. Playing Alpha Protocol now. And there are a couple of games I've started that are in various states of unfinishedness, like Gothic 3, NWN 2, KOTOR 1 and 2.

    Plus, I've got a number of games that I haven't even started yet, and then there are the games that I want to get, but really can't justify buying with the huge "gaming backlog" I have now.


    At this rate, I might get around to Fallout: NV in about 4 or 5 years or so. Hmm.

  13. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/exclusiv...on-siege/712096


    This is the chick with guns. Silly clothes but she looks cool enough, might be the first character I play because... guns.


    Looks quite nice, although the animations up close seem a bit clunky? Then again, that might be the balancing on high heels whilst in the middle of a sword/gunfight. Can't be easy to move all smoothly with footwear like that.


    I'm excited about the game though. Hope the next character will be revealed soon. :*

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