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Everything posted by clockwerk

  1. You are correct. The mage will still gain the xp and gear as normal, the argument is that the "someone who jumps in" is gaining nothing from it. It works out fine if your playing with someone who doesn't own the game or have his own character. The problem arises when someone who does own the game, has a character already built, and wants to play with his or her friends who also have a character built. I don't know anyone who would want to play on another account, just to play as their friends henchman, when they could be playing and leveling up their own. That's what we mean by not getting experience and gear when playing on another account. Precisely. But even beyond that, if the game is on a single acocunt, can I even use the character of my choice there? Or am I, as the coop player, perpetually stuck playing whatever character happens to be in the main character's party? Even the ability to consistently play the same character, even if you can't export it, wouldn't be so bad. At least you'd be playing something consistent. You'd have your "own" character in someone else's game, and they could have their "own" in yours.
  2. Has still nothing to do with anything. We still don't know what the multiplayer will be about. Thats the point. More is to come. We don't even know if it actually will look like this in the end. It isn't final. -.- I respectfully disagree. If the rumours were false, we'd at the very least have a comment from the developer about it. And even if they are false, it is still valuable, while there is still development time remaining, to make sure the developers know exactly how important a feature this is. So that way, if the rumour is false, we have lost nothing and we get what we want. If the rumour is true though, enough noise might cause some reconsideration, and a change of direction and save the game from mediocrity. They may have gotten the memo when it was all posted over the internet. Thanks. Also the rumor is a rumor and uses something as basis that is incredibly vague. Edit: Sorry, I'm not saying you don't have the right to complain. It's just that its way too early to complain. What exactly is this "complaining" you are speaking of? All anyone is saying in this thread is that *IF* this is true, then please reconsider, because that will ruin our experience with this game. No one is complaining, simply voicing their desires as a consumer. You're right in that we don't know for sure. I don't know for sure that my daughter is going to pass her next test, but I don't wait until after she's written it to let her clearly know what my expectations are, and at what level I will be satisfied.
  3. Has still nothing to do with anything. We still don't know what the multiplayer will be about. Thats the point. More is to come. We don't even know if it actually will look like this in the end. It isn't final. -.- I respectfully disagree. If the rumours were false, we'd at the very least have a comment from the developer about it. And even if they are false, it is still valuable, while there is still development time remaining, to make sure the developers know exactly how important a feature this is. So that way, if the rumour is false, we have lost nothing and we get what we want. If the rumour is true though, enough noise might cause some reconsideration, and a change of direction and save the game from mediocrity.
  4. Let's put this very simply: There is absolutely no feature Obsidian could possibly implementing, that would be more important than having people play as their own characters and enjoy the full breadth of gameplay in ALL COOP MODES. If there is some feature (like the AI) standing in the way of this, ditch that feature. For example, you meet character X, who is supposed to join you, and can be controlled by a coop player. If there is already a coop player in the game, character X does not join you, or they do and become a 3rd member of your party. Whatever. This is the only thing I can imagine is causing a problem for them, and if it is, they need to seriously reconsider the decision we are hearing. If the game doesn't ship until May, there is time to fix this still.
  5. Firstly, I understand that none of the MP details are confirmed. That said, I'd like to comment on the speculation, just to let Obsidian know how I as a potential consumer feel about it. This relates directly, to the offline co-op mode. Please understand, that I, like many older gamers, play offline co-op almost exclusively unless the game supports a mix of off and online. Paramount to any game of this sort, as you know, is the ability to develop your character and be rewarded for the time you invest. A failure to allow the offline coop player to develop their own character is unconscionable. Not only is there no good technical reason for this not to be allowed, it would literally kill sales for anyone who's primary interest is that. For me, if this feature is not included, this goes from a pre-ordered game, that I will be sneezing about to all of my friends who game, to a non-purchase. It is that big of an issue. I will not pay for Fable 2 again. Or Deathspank. Which is a shame, but go ahead and check my history. My username is my Gamer Tag. My wife and I purchased Deathspank excited to play coop. I think we played for minutes before we stopped because she wasn't gaining anything playing as his wizard sidekick. It was boring and unfair. Compare this to the time we spent playing Sacred 2. Which for all intents and purposes was a broken and somewhat lame product. That should be edifying. It's all about grinding and looting and growing. So should this game ship without the ability for 2 offline players to develop their characters together, unfortunately, this will literally go from my most anticipated title this year, to completely off my radar. That's hard to say, because I was incredibly excited for this game. I've been waiting for something like it since Baldurs Gate on the original Xbox. Cheers and I hope this rumour proves false.
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