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The Cow King

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About The Cow King

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  1. Best female godlikes I've found on DA so far.
  2. You could try the TSL Restoration Mod. You could also try browsing the kotor 2 mods on filefront to see if there's anything you like. There's also Deadly Stream and Taris Upper City Emporium. As for how to play your next game, maybe use armor and dual wield-blasters? You'd still have limited force powers, and Master Speed would still be available through Kreia (albeit clunky). Or maybe an armored jedi acquiring as much energy resistance as possible, to make yourself close to immune against blasters/lightsabers? You could even turn it into a glass cannon, maximizing strenght or something.
  3. It's an excellent RPG for sure, kinda reminds me of VTM: Bloodlines. Both are 3rd person action/rpgs with excellent dialogue (sadly, both were rushed to release as well). My only real gripe is the low difficulty, obsidian should've made it much... much harder. It's still my favorite of the two Kotor games. You should preferably avoid reading spoilers on any forums if you haven't finished the game already.
  4. With 14 base constitution, you need to spend 3 hard points in constitution with a LS character (HK gives +1 con to a total of 18). On a DS character, you only need to spend ONE point in constitution during level ups because you get +2 con from Hanharr +1 from HK. Seeing how universal D gives 12 attribute points, and the physical/mental give +9, it's simply stupid NOT to go for 18 con unless you want to reach the highest possible maximum force DC. Guardian/Sith lord is a bad combination, sith lord simply doesn't give you anything worth taking, whereas sith marauder is one of the strongest (if not the strongest) prestige classes. If you want to make a caster/melee hybrid, start with consular (+4 to force DC) and pick marauder at lvl 15. Also on DS female your defense will be meaningless, so you might as well go all STR, leave dex at 8. No matter what your jedi is, wisdom should always be 14, nothing below that at least. Like I said earlier, you only need con of 15 (although it's more optimal to leave it at 14 and spending one point in it during level ups), because you get +3 hard con (counts toward implants) during the game.
  5. Btw there's one very handy mod for kotor 2 I recommend. It adds one extra line of dialogue (nothing else is changed) to remote (bao dur's pet), that lets you ask how much influence you have with your party members. http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.c...Influence;87769 It's just two files, you need to put them in your override folder in Kotor 2 directory, and it will work even on your current save. Just delete the two files to uninstall it.
  6. Or low enough. IIRC it's 90% positive or 90% negative influence to be able to convert. If you convert someone into a jedi with low influence, they'll become DS jedis if you're LS and vice versa. It's actually a very good way to gain cheap access to the force powers of the other alignment (like force valor or force storm). Although this trick mostly works better for DS, because everyone can be turned into a LS jedi without playing against your own alignment, whereas on DS you definitely don't want to kiss Disciple's ass and eat LS points, when you can just play DS, losing all his influence and getting him to jedi anyway. Same goes for Bao-Dur, although I like to keep him as my personal skill mule instead of turning him to a jedi. God I hate the guy, wish I could slice his head off with my lightsaber, same goes for that Czerka rep on Telos.
  7. You get light side mastery, if you're sentinel/weapon master, it's +3 dex +3 str, although it will only display +3 str above your character image next to the force affinity meter, you still retain the +3 dex from the sentinel. Also to get light side/dark side mastery, the force affinity meter has to a few notches above/below the actual bar. So if you can't see the golden text for +3 str, you still need more LS points.
  8. I did some testing with the prestige classes (1.0b no mods). LS/DS mastery bonuses do stack like I remembered. The only exception to this is the dark side consular/sith lord FP bonus, it will only be counted once, making LS consular/jedi master much better (due to the insane wisdom bonuses you can use Force Storm and all other DS powers without worrying about FP). All other DS bonuses stack, including guardian/marauder dmg bonus for 2-16 extra slashing damage per hit, which means it's possible to crit up to >300 dmg in this game. All prestige classes get Weapon Focus: Lightsaber for free. Sith Lord/Jedi Master also gain the "Force Regeneration" feat for free. When you switch over to your prestige class, you retain your class skills from your previous class, meaning if you make a consular/sith assassin, you will have every skill as your class skill. Plague is completely bugged beyond belief, it's literally the worst force power in the game. It only lowers your enemy's ability scores by 1 every six seconds, and the effect lasts only for 12 seconds. Meaning, plague works as no save slow (stasis field does that and much more), and lowers your enemy's ability scores by 2 before the effect disappears completely (slow and stat penalties). In short, it's a glorified 12 second slow for a tier-3 power. Force Redirection adds it's +3 deflection bonus even when you're wielding a lightsaber, making this a very good force power, since you will always have excess force power points. Very low/high influence works for every character to unlock their jedi training or influence dialogue (including Kreia & HK and everyone else). If you have a very low influence when turning someone into a jedi, they will be of the opposite alignment compared to you.
  9. Exactly. But I think defense is an all-or-nothing stat, if you don't have high enough defense to evade attacks, it's completely useless. Therefore, if you want to make use of defense, you really have to focus on it. Going for dex instead of str is a good choice for a LS male because they get handmaiden's wisdom AC bonus, as well as the fact that the light side crystal gives more dex than str, and gives a high + in wisdom instead of charisma like DS, add to that the force valor boost for both dex and wisdom, and it's obvious that light side male is the most AC high jedi you can have wearing robes. Because insanity -> FS, FS, FS -> everything in the room is dead gets pretty boring after the 10th fight or so. At least for me, I'm sure there are many who still enjoy it. The power of LS comes from versatility, even a LS jedi consular/jedi master is very good in lightsaber combat because they get huge buffs via the LS abilities, and even a LS guardian/weapon master gets massive force points to use force powers because LS characters get huge bonuses to wisdom, which also make LS melee characters have good DCs for their force powers without sacrificing any of their melee potential. Not to mention the fact that Force Wave is imo cooler than Force Storm, but tbh equally good, you just have to cast it more times, but you can balance it with melee combat and other abilities in between. LS characters also get more wisdom (+10 more in fact, +16 if jedi consular/jedi master, and this is without those ridiculously good LS robes you get), than DS characters, which gives extremely good increase in your power DCs, and gives you enough force points to even use dark side powers without any conservations. And like I said, LS gets way better force powers for melee combat, all dark side powers are consular type offensive abilities. --- Plague is bugged and completely useless Kill is cool but rendered obsolete by force crush, not to mention why use it in the first place when you can cast 2x Force Storm to kill every living thing in the room Force storm is boring and OP -> Force Wave for LS Death Field is good for any character -> Heal for LS, heals all your party members instead of just you, and doesn't need multiple opponents to be effective Insanity is good -> Stasis Field for LS, and is better than insanity imo because it slows down targets even if they save, despite the lower duration. --- We already went through the DS abilities, but LS characters also get Force Armor, Force Valor (both ridiculously good, even more so for melee), and destroy droid which is like cooler version of Force Storm but only works against droids, making it balanced. So yes, overall I would say LS is more powerful, because nothing stops a LS character from taking Force Storm if you really want it, but DS characters can't deal with the LS buffs the same way a LS character can, not to mention DS character will never get their force power DC as high as LS characters can. Force Wave and Stasis is all the CC you'll ever need for LS. I actually think the story of Kotor 2 fits a LS character way better (just my opinion), not to mention playing LS in Kotor 2 is very enjoyable, you can be more jedi-like than Kotor 1. And if you want to crush it down like that, then DS would be like this. ("Give me all your credits or die!"... prepare to die anyway.") -> e-thug
  10. It's quite likely Kotor 3 will be made eventually. Might not be related to the current plot but nevertheless. Just look at Deus Ex 3, Thief 4 etc... sequels to old single player games. Kotor 3 might not be coming in the near future because of TOR, but if the SW universe hasn't died out completely in the future and TOR ends up being a success, it's very likely someone will understand there is profit to be made here. Although I'm personally still disappointed that they had to turn Kotor into a *** MMO with cartoon graphics (it's not like Lucas didn't rape episode 1-3 enough) instead of an actual RPG. Take solace in the fact that if Kotor 3 is made some five years from now, it will most likely be very awesome with gruesome decapitating lightsabre combat. I'm also still confident it's only a matter of time until System Shock 3 will go into production. We're really pushing the story. According to discussion on Gamebreaker.tv, the consensus after many journalists played the game for 6 hours is that TOR is looking to put the RPG back into MMORPG. The problem is, it's an MMO, which means retarded anonymous people over the internet influencing your gameplay. Unless I have the ability to completely shut off all other players from my playing experience, ALL immersion from the game will be ruined... guaranteed. Just go play any current MMO in the market and come say otherwise. It's like trying to get immersed into a book while there are ten people in the same room talking about how they got drunk last weekend and **** on the sidewalk. It's either, retarded spam/crap/stuff in the chat. Retarded team mates that are so stupid even a computer AI could do better, or griefing on purpose just to piss someone off over the internet. Cheating, RMT, botting, etc... list goes on. If you try to play with a random team, you will have no time to even read about quests etc... because it's about getting better gear faster for PvP instead of the story. Does TOR have anything to counter that? The only positive side I can see with TOR being MMO is that you get more gameplay hours out of it, but that just means massive PvE grinding or shallow facemelt questing. That and the PvP could probably be fun if it's skill/gameplay based, but I doubt it since it's an MMO.
  11. 43s is not enough to win top spot, and that's the only one that pays. I got 39.97 something on my 3rd try, so it's definitely doable. Just hit as many acceleration pads as you can. Only jump when it's absolutely necessary to avoid a crash.
  12. Here's one chart you might want to take a look at, you can calculate how many feats you get to pick. http://www.starwarsknights.com/mtools/classcomparison.htm One big difference between Kotor 1 & 2 is that in Kotor 2 all jedi classes have the same base attack progression, +1/lvl.
  13. As for feats, the combat feats from best to worse Critical Strike/Power Attack Flurry If you break it down to math, CS and PA are about equal, with critical strike probably winning by small margin if you're using dual lightsabers instead of double bladed and slap the keen ability in your lightsabers. However, I really dislike CS combat animation, whereas Power Attack looks awesome with nice sparkle effect when you upgrade it. Flurry is the worst, hands down. The only exception to this might be if you make a MAX damage dual bladed lightsaber, then it's probably equal with Power Attack. Do note however, you can use whichever you want, you will get so powerful in Kotor 2 it simply doesn't matter, pick the one you think looks the best. As for other feats, toughness is good, dual weapon fighting is the one you should max first if you want to dual wield. Vitality point regen is completely useless, same goes for Force Regen. Rather pick blaster bolt deflection if you have excess feats. When you switch class to Weapon Master at level 15, you get Weapon Focus: Lightsaber, so don't pick it manually. Also remember to pick Lightsaber Finesse if you go with dex instead of STR. When it comes to Force Powers, imo light side is more powerful (especially for melee), with the exception of Force Storm, which is boring. You will want to 100% guaranteed max Force Armor (AC + saving throws), Force Speed (attacks per round + defense) and Force Valor (+stats and saving throws). Or you will regret it later on. Force Wave is awesome, so is stasis field (works even if enemy saves, it slows them down). Heal is no brainer, take it. Force Immunity and Suppression are quite useless, as enemies in this game practically never use force powers with the exception of one boss or two. Affect & Dominate Mind options are usually for Dark Side, and there aren't a lot of them anyway, so with persuasion you can skip that without missing anything if you want to. If you want to take Destroy Droid, pick it early on. You will get somewhere between level 26-29, depending if you use Kreia in your party all the time or not (she gives you extra XP with the mentor feat). That means you get 25-29 force powers, you have plenty to spare. Heal + Armor + Speed + Valor + Stasis + Wave = 18 powers. Or you can do whatever you want, but you WILL want to max Armor/Speed/Valor for LS.
  14. Kotor 2 is a good game and will last many years to come even though these forums are quite empty, just look at at deus ex and such, I just recently started my own 2nd playthrough as well. I'm pretty much a powergamer at heart and I have an obsession to make good or excellent characters, so I've been doing a bit of research just recently for my 2nd playthrough. Repair is a great skill to have, you get lots of dialogue options related to repair, and repair decides how many components you get when breaking down items. Unlike other skills, only your PC character's repair affects how many components you get (even if you use workbench with another character that has high repair), and with components you can make very powerful upgrade items to your weapons/armor. You need a repair of 20 to get max amount of components when breaking down items. You also need repair of ~20 to repair T3-M4 (along with computer use). When you complete all repairs on T3, you get +1 wisdom permanently. Also I'm pretty sure HK-47 needed repairs as well. So you definitely didn't make a bad choice picking repair as class skill. Since you're light side male, it's definitely a good idea to go with dexterity instead of strength, with lightsaber finesse you can use your DEX for attack instead of STR, and dex also gives you defense. You will get an ability that will add your wisdom bonus to your AC (which is why wisdom 14 is good at start, when you add in all the other bonuses your wisdom will skyrocket way above 20), and your special crystal gives more dex than strength later on. Also your light side mastery from Jedi Sentinel will give +3 dex, although I'm not 100% sure if the Weapon Master bonus (+3 STR) will override your Sentinel one. I'm pretty sure last time I played I got the mastery bonus from both classes though. Putting points into STR however was a waste. If you make a dex build, especially a light side one, go with 8 STR. You will get huge ability bonuses on LS (light side), and your STR will rise way above 10 even if you leave it at 8. Also your constitution is too low. Implants require a certain base constitution to equip, and the CON 18 implants are just too good to pass up. For example, there is a CON 18 implant that gives +3 STR, +3 DEX, and +3 CON. Or another one that gives +2 to ALL attributes. In character creation, it's best not to raise any stat to 16, because of the increasing cost above 14, those stats can be put into other needed attributes like CON and WIS. INT is good at 14, it's what I would go for no matter what class you pick at start. WIS is too low, even if you're a melee based LS character, there are still many great powers that give saving throw against enemies, such as stasis field and force wave. Not to mention wisdom gives force points that you need and some dialogue options, in addition to giving you defense later on since you're LS male. Charisma is good for raising your force power DC, but that's pretty much it. The opposite alignment force power cost reduction is only 1 force point/charisma modifier, so 1 FP/2 charisma. The best attribute division you could have done is something like this. STR = 8 DEX = 14 CON = 14 INT = 14 WIS = 14 CHA = 14 And pumping constitution to 18 for best implants. You only need to spend 3-4 points into constitution to unlock CON 18 implants, that give 9-12 attribute points alone. You can acquire best implants by quick saving before talking to a merchant for the FIRST TIME. Open the store, check for implants, if you don't see one you like, reload, and talk to the merchant again. This time he will have different wares. It takes a bit of time, but I just got the Universal-D CON 18 implant (+2 all attributes), at lvl 12 or something in Nar Shaddaa by reloading for 20 minutes. This trick is the best way to get gear you want, since in Kotor 2 the loot is randomly generated. Some merchants might generate their wares when you first enter the area, but I'm not 100% sure on that. NOTE: you can get +1 to constitution if you get enough influence with HK-47 via a certain dialogue. As a light sider it's a bit difficult though since HK doesn't respond well to LS acts. On the other hand, the influence system on this game works in a way that you either need a HIGH influence, or VERY LOW influence. For example, I play Dark Side, and I treat T3-M4 like garbage, losing all his influence. However, I'm able to unlock all his influence dialogue because my influence to him is extremely low. I'm just not 100% sure it works for HK, but it should. As for skills, the most important ones are Persuade and Repair, followed by computer use (needed for repairing T3 and many dialogues). Also awareness unlocks many dialogue options, and is good to have around 10-15. Demolitions you can use on another NPC, but it doesn't hurt to have it on the main character either, because it's annoying to switch characters to disarm explosives. Security same thing. Stealth is utter crap. Treat Injury is needed for a few dialogues, but gameplay wise it's pretty useless for a light sider, because you get the awesome heal force power. Do note however, skills in Kotor 2 can be boosted ridiculously high with items and force powers. For example, on my DS guardian/marauder, I will only put one point in demolitions, because I know I can boost it to over 20 with certain items and Force Valor (+20 from non combat auto D20 roll) to recover the most difficult explosives. However, I don't recommend this for your first playthrough. You can use your other characters to max certain skills to build weapon/armor upgrades.
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