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Everything posted by Buns

  1. I thought my post was good for a few chuckles, but this is the best thing I've read here yet. And I honestly don't intend any offense to the assorted forum support groups that tend to cluster around these kinds of places, I'm just hoping to see some occasional news about Obsidian games. Wishing you dear folks all the best - Love, Buns
  2. ok ok sorry to hold up this urgent interforum flame war. So here goes I. yo mama II. a. b. ? Where'd all that come from? Seriously, you'd be better off addressing your numerous issues with a therapist rather than with me. III. Spending any more time on you manly men (another '?') of Winterwind would be cause for weeping. Like what I see of "Eldar": mid-30's, unemployed, bleak future prospects, begs on video game message boards for a job as a game tester, etc. I'll pass on your creepy little freakshow, thanks. I'm sure to miss out on Josan-Shareholder-With-Hope's hot stock tips and the kind of dazzling conversation your forums are deservedly world-famous for, but I'll survive somehow. IV. bu bye
  3. Ack - you should have posted some kind of warning about where those links lead. Those Winterwind forums are as useless as Mistress and its Lair. Curious to see that Winterwind has more moderators than posters, with the mods being some of IPLY's worst... Shodan, Josan, et al. I'm kind of sad about IPLY going under and its boards disappearing, but after reading those threads you link to, I don't feel so bad about not having to see so much crap, with the worst of the sewage draining off to the forums mentioned above. At least I'll keep this gem of game forum wisdom with me and pass it on to my kin through the ages: "It's not easy to say to someone 'hey man, you kinda hurt my feelings.' Men generally don't say that to each other." - Josan, Shareholder With Hope
  4. There was no squeaking-in on Chirac's part in either the first or the second round. Maybe you mean something else besides what you're saying. You mean he only won votes because of opposition to the FN? Or Chirac somehow won because of opposition to Le Pen within the FN (...)? Or something like that - it's not really a big deal. It's normally a pleasure to read your posts, even if they do occasionally require some rewriting, by someone. If L. Jospin did actually have a sizeable contingent of people that he could reliably call his, then he might have made it to the 2nd round like he was so smugly expecting to do all along.
  5. Chirac crushed Le Pen in the second round of the 2002 presidential election, winning over 80% of the vote. The French Left couldn't advance any of their candidates beyond the first round, but they did rally behind Chirac to ensure that Le Pen and his Front National got no further. Not that Chirac depended on a belatedly, relatively unified Left to win -- their influence has been pretty negligible as of late. But there was still no way in hell that Le Pen would have won that election.
  6. Buns


    Your taste in movies sucks. You're a ****head. Go to your den and wrap your lips around a revolver. K THX BYE Hi.
  7. Buns


    Hello. I just saw The Return of the King today, boy is that an amazing movie.
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