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Everything posted by Shilkanni

  1. Just a couple of minor points now: * Maybe this is where we differ. If somebody doesn't explain their views, preferrably in more than one line, it hardly encourages intelligent discussion. It is rare for a one line post to actually be insightful * While I'm just whinging (and whining) about everything, I also don't like the amount of white space after quote blocks, or the amount of nested quoting people do, or the huge sig lines and images in sig lines... That could be what bothers me most about a one liner, when it takes up my whole frickin' screen AND is pointless:-PP
  2. Oh that is hardly the truth. Immaturity is usually a trait of younger posters who post without making a point or contributing to the topic. While such posts do exist here, I feel this board contains some of the most witty and intelligent gamers out there... It really is true, but of course, only applies to my opinion and my experiences. I've only read a couple meesage boards habitually (4, for any significant period of time) in the past 8 or so years I've been online. I accept that there are intellegent people here, and I have definately seen people here making good points, Here's where I absolutely disagree with you. Look at the threads in suggestions or general discussions. Pointless petty one liners are VERY rare. Most of the posts are dominated by strong, constructive points that contribute to the topic at hand. Don't take my word for it; go check out some of those threads yourself. I based my comments on looking through dozens upon dozens of suggestion threads, and only looking at threads that had constructive looking titles. I saw a lot of great suggestions, but I also saw a lot of trollesque posts, short posts, off topic posts, and minor flames. (Emphasis added) I must have a different definition of fan than you. Replace "Obsidian Ent fan" with "Obsidian Ent. forum frequenter" as required. Well, if it's disrespectful to the posters and developers for a "new poster" to post a 'flame', then it's disrespectful to the posters and developers for an "old poster" to post a flame. I certainly don't suggest either and I don't think either lead to constructive discussion.
  3. Just wanted to express my agreement with Nissa_Red's comments that the atmosphere on the Obsidian boards seems a little harsh and although I have had very limited exposure to these boards, I can say without a doubt that discourse on these boards is the most immature I have experienced. I feel the rudeness encourages others to be rude in return, I know I have probably been less polite in my 10 or so posts on these boards than I would normally be because of the harshness of others in a thread. I know this is hypocritical... I also feel the signal to noise ratio is pretty low, a lot of the regulars seem to just quote a large block of text and make what they consider to be a witty one liner. That said, I've frequented less than a dozen couple different boards in my years on the internet, and have never frequented boards for first person shooters or such, so I do not doubt there is much worse going on out there. I'm also sorry to say these things and am just expressing my opinion for what it's worth. Hopefully, this might just be an initial thing as a results of a flood NWN1 fans meeting Obsidian Ent fans, causing a lot of friction and resentment.
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