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About Ghostie

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  1. What do you think of the "The Longest Journey" Series? Also, would you be willing to take on a game that would pretty much be filled with 80% storytelling and 20% exploration and puzzles?
  2. I am going on the hopes that AP2 is secretly in the concept stages right now. Which I pray to the gods it is.
  3. http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showt...p;#entry1083689
  4. Ok, So after spending about 3 hours on the internet looking for fixes I found a combination of things that solved like... 300% of my problems with the game. Which were. 1.Lag when enemies spawned 2.Clearinghouse (Blackmarket) lag 3.Low Framerate even when all settings on low. "Even tho my pc is not THAT out of date. well I don't think so My pc, with overclock button on. What worked for me were fixes from two different games. Prototype and Fallout: New Vegas OK FOR THE FIXIN!! Download this file. Nvidia Gfx card Ati Gfx card Unzip and place in C:\Program Files\SEGA\Alpha Protocol\Binaries Ok got it?...... Good. Now COPY!!!! theseeee commands [This line of words is acting like a normal line so you can see where the stuff you added is in-case you have to change it back later] bAllowMatureLanguage=True MaxPixelShaderAdditiveComplexityCount=600 MaxPixelShaderOpaqueComplexityCount=300 MaxVertexShaderComplexityCount=300 TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjects=120 bEnableVSMShadows=TRUE bEnableBranchingPCFShadows=TRUE bDisablePhysXHardwareSupport=False bSmoothFrameRate=FALSE MinSmoothedFrameRate=0 MaxSmoothedFrameRate=85 MaxStaleCacheSize=512 MaxOverallCacheSize=1024 MinDesiredFrameRate=0.000000 ParanoidDeviceLostChecking=0 AllowJoystickInput=0 PoolSize=1024 StopStreamingLimit=24 MinFudgeFactor=0.5 UseTextureFileCache=TRUE CompositeDynamicLights=False FilteredDistortion=True OnlyStreamInTextures=True Trilinear=True OneFrameThreadLag=False EnableHighPolyChars=True ShadowFilterQualityBias=4 MaxAnisotropy=16 MaxMultisamples=8 MinShadowResolution=32 MaxShadowResolution=2048 FoliageDrawRadiusMultiplier=8.000000 ShadowTexelsPerPixel=4.000000 bEnableVSMShadows=True bEnableBranchingPCFShadows=True bEnableForegroundShadowsOnWorld=True ShadowFilterRadius=4.000000 DebrisLifetime=120.0 DisableShadowVolumes=False DisableHWShadowMaps=False ShadowBufferResolution=2048 MaxShadowResolution=2048 MinShadowResolution=32 and paste them at the END of the text that as located in C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\Alpha Protocol\APGame\Config\APEngine Save ......OK try it and tell me how it goes.
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