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About dkohalloran

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  1. This is incredible that you're patching PoE up! I would like to play this game for the first time on Xbox. I have read a lot of bad things about the state of the game in terms of crashes while saving, slowdown during fights, characters stats being randomly changed, achievements not unlocking or being tracked properly. Here are 9 pages of people talking about it on TrueAchievements: Pillars of Eternity - Achievements dont unlock - Page 9 (trueachievements.com) I would love to finally start this game but I am hoping that, since you're updating it again, you could revisit the console version and look at these. I am very hesitant to start this game because of the issues! I remember hearing about these issues back when the game was first released on console and was disappointed as I was lookingforward to playing it. So please take a look at the Xbox version pleaseeee
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