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Everything posted by ProfessorPolymer

  1. Hi All, I'll report that playing today, September 7th, 2023, has the same glitch with the "locked" pod to sneak into the Ministry of Accuracy and Morale. For specifics: Game version: Latest (likely most advanced as of 2023) Console: PlayStation 5, with software having the latest update* (the game is for the PS4, but I'm playing it on PS5) Quest: The City and The Stars Difficulty: Supernova Character Level: 36 (both DLC installed, played) Companions: Parvati and Felix My Actions, and What I Guess Triggered the Problem: Like orlop, I, too, spoke with Carmen to sneak into the Ministry, and I hit inside the pod. Once inside the Ministry, I goofed off to see what would happen if I tried interacting with scientists or guards, and realized I couldn't talk/persuade my way out of problems. I reloaded my last save, which - on Supernova difficulty - has an autosave right before you transition to a new area or building. When I loaded in, the door to enter the pod was no longer there. What I think is happening - is normally you talk to Carmen about sneaking inside the Ministry, and then she walks you over to the pod so you can hide inside it. I'm guessing the game is programmed so you can only enter the pod after talking with Carmen and her leading you to the pod. The problem is - once you reload a save, Carmen resets to her original place, and the game doesn't load in the door to the pod as Carmen is no longer there. But, since the game remembers you already spoke to Carmen about sneaking you inside the Ministry, the dialogue option doesn't reappear. _ Note, that this isn't game-breaking, as you are still able to enter the Ministry through the main door. However, it is sad if you wanted to use the sneaky way of getting inside the labs versus a longer way through the lobby and the like. I hope this helps, but I also realize it's a few years since this game came out!
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