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Taoin Skinner

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About Taoin Skinner

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  1. I think it would be awesome to have centipedes in the upper yard. They would probably either take awhile to program or need multiple updates but I think they could work. I think they should be neutral and would just roam around. Them being weak to chopping would make sense for their multiple parts, and probably sour since basically nothing is weak to sour. They should have an armor set with them too that would make it look like the player has more arms. 6 or 10 just not 8. I think the bonus from each piece should be something to do with having more inventory slots. I imagine they'd be a tier 3 enemy with a good amount of health even if you're in end game. As a set bonus it could either be some way to double weild, either two weapons or a torch and a shield. Or instead it could be bonus damage for weapons that require two hands. Hope this gets read.
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