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About lamwel

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  1. No need to apologize, you've been extremely helpful! I really should have tested the DLC myself but didn't bother. I wouldn't have known what to do with those string additions though so thank you for telling me. At least there weren't too many of them. I'm wondering why does overriding the exported folders not work? I saw some localization mods put the lax folders in them so I just assumed I could too. Oh well, I think I've fixed them all now. Hopefully.
  2. So I finished the mod. It is up on nexusmods and the steam workshop. There were a few stringtables that I could not find the conversation bundles for but I was kind of tired of looking at this stuff so I just uploaded as is for now. The five files were: 03_cv_mill_guard_frontdoor.stringtable 05_cv_bathhouse_boiler.stringtable 05_cv_naga_intro.stringtable 19_bs_usher.stringtable 19_si_pallid_knight.stringtable I'm not sure if their conversation bundles are named something different of if they are unused stringtables or I just missed them somehow. There was another one that I thought I couldn't find but actually did miss. Think I was just getting tired of doing it. Good call on Super Interactions. I completely forgot about them. So I ended up doing 40% for dialogue and decided to leave in scripted interactions at 40% too. Space for text in scripted interactions take up nearly half the screen so the bigger font size doesn't look too bad there. Banters get really big with the dialogue increase though which is why I went out of the way to exclude them. I increased super interactions as well but only by 25%. They have a smaller box for text in comparison to scripted interactions so it didn't feel right when I made it too big. Surprisingly even at 40% increase, the dialogue font still looks a bit smaller than the first game's at max font scale. PoE 1 had a much larger conversation box so I couldn't match its size exactly. I tried 50% but it started to feel cramped so ended up with 40% which I feel is a good size though may look a little big because of the smaller box. I had actually gotten through 00_prototype to 13_fort_deadlight by the time I made that second post. Was trying to power through them but it gets very tedious and I slowed down after that. Anyway, thanks for all the help Kvellen! I've never made a mod before or even used the steam workshop for that matter. Thinking of looking into modding other games after this but at the same time really just want to take a break from it too.
  3. I think I found a way to identify which lines are banters by looking at the corresponding conversation bundle files. For example, for this stringtable: exported\localized\en\text\conversations\03_neketaka_vailian_district\03_cv_abocco.stringtable you would look at this conversation bundle: exported\design\conversations\03_neketaka_vailian_district\03_cv_abocco.conversationbundle In the conversation bundles, the NodeIDs correspond to the IDs in the stringtables and will have either a "DisplayType": 1 or "DisplayType": 2. Based on what I've seen, I'm pretty sure "Displaytype": 2 means it's dialogue that appears above the head. Not exactly a fast method searching through every conversation bundle then removing edits to the stringtables when needed but at least I have a way of identifying them now. Thanks for letting me know. It looks like OP wanted this done for German language but I'm only focusing on English for now. I wouldn't mind doing them for all the available languages eventually though.
  4. I tried this out and it was a huge improvement. I played this last year on the steam deck and as you can imagine the text is quite small there. Wish I had knew about this then. I was thinking of uploading this as a mod to help out others. I hope you're okay with that? I'll be sure to leave credit of course. There is one problem though and it is the one you mentioned. I only wanted to increase the font size in dialogue but end up increasing the font size in banters and scripted interactions too. Do you know if there is an easy way to differentiate them in the files? It seemed as if the file names gave some indication of the type. File names with "bs_" seem to be banters, "si_" scripted interactions and "cv_" for conversations but there can be lines of banter inside of conversation files(from what I can tell this happens with named npcs) and in the example you used with the Pallid Knight, that file is named "si_" despite being a conversation in a dialogue box. The usher you meet in the prologue also has the file name "21_bs_usher" despite also being a conversation in a dialogue box. I'm hoping the prologue is just some kind of weird exception, but even disregarding those two, the issue is with banters inside of cv_ files as those are harder to narrow down. I guess it isn't that big of a deal but I would have preferred to have left the banters unmodified if possible. I couldn't find the thread you were referring to. Is someone already working on larger font mod? If not, I can try to upload mine later.
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