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Everything posted by PointBreak

  1. You have to buy it from burgle after you turned in the black ant hill super chip, so it should be available for you to purchase in the science shop.
  2. I've been using the waft emitter to farm gold cards, and it's worked on all the bugs except the black widow. I've killed hundreds and hundreds of them, and I haven't been reloading saves and have also tried adding more rage to the waves. It seems to be a weaker version of the black widow that naturally spawns, which may be why it's not giving me the card. Am I just unlucky, or are you not able to get the black widow's gold card from the waft emitter?
  3. I've run into this problem a couple times, what I did is recycle it then rebuild it. If it still doesn't work, then try moving the waft emitter to a new area.
  4. This is probably my most favorite game, but there are a couple things that could make it better. I think wasp drones are a little bit too powerful, because even when they are alone all they do is fly out of your reach and heal the whole time. If you have a bow you have a chance, but even then it still spams heals and takes for ever to kill. I think the longest fight I've had with a wasp drone was about ten minutes, and that was when I burned through multiple stacks of splinter arrows using the bards bow. I think if they fought lower and healed less, this issue could easily be fixed. Another mild issue is that my game crashes every now and then, but it's probably because I have a couple hundred saves on my game. It dosen't happen often, and it's only happened once a day. One last thing that could make the game a little less grindy would be adjusting the gold card mechanic. What I mean is making the more rare and difficult creatures have a higher gold card chance, or something along those lines. It gets pretty tiring doing the same thing over and over and getting nothing done. I've been trying to get the moth and black widows gold cards for months with no luck. Basically everything else in this game is good, and those are the only three things that annoy me. Other than all that, I love this game and keep doing what you're doing because this is the best game I've ever played.
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