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About 22tamyers

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  1. The summoner class has been an interest sense early beta with mention of a possible boss dropping pheromones. While this never happened the idea still remains with in trinkets and mutation currently in the game. The class in its current state has to be accompanied by another like archery or assassin. But what if that where to change? Here is the way I would go about making the Summoner a full stand alone class. Bosses: The idea of having the ant queen being able to drop a pheromone that would summon ants to your aid was a great idea. But how could we innovate it to make it progress with the player? By making each nest have its own queen. Each queen would drop a 3rd of a trinket that would summon the corresponding ants. Red ant queen would drop a pheromone that would summon red ants and so forth. Once upgraded by combining it with another ant queen trinket, would increase the quantity and the type. Instead of having a mutation to upgrade the class, you would have to fight the queen in each tier area. The bosses would also drop other materials for the class as well. The boss fight would be more unique than the others, with the queen having much less health than other bosses. But the reason is your not going to be fighting her most of the fight, your fighting her for summoning powers, so it’s only fair to have her be a summoning boss. She will leap on to a edge and summon a wave of ants. After you clear the wave she’ll come back down and resume fighting you. The waves would get progressively harder as her health lowers. Equipment: The weapon that would be for this class would be a staff or wand. Instead of doing damage your self, you would act like a wasp drone for your summons. Normal being able to buff your summons. Charging it up would give you a medium range type attack that does damage (like the fire staff). The mutation that would go with the class would only increase the duration your summons stay. Mastery would give you maybe a more tank like ant. The armor would be light sense your not mainly fighting the front lines, you would only get a piece from each boss. Meaning you wouldn’t be able to complete the set until after the fire ant boss is defeated. The set bonus would increase your effectiveness with the summoners staff. Stats: The main things about this set is the randomness of the types of ants, their duration, and the quantity. The draw to this class is the randomness. As you progress your ant types would be random in the type (as in soldier or regular) and the variant (Red, Black, or fire) you could get a bunch of fire soldiers ants, or a bunch of red normal ants. The way to mitigate these chances is the apex perk on the the boss fire ant staff, giving a higher chance to summon a fire ant or a chance for a queen to randomly be summoned. Conclusion: I feel like this would fully fulfill the summoners class without it becoming game breaking. There are probably some tweaks that would have to be made but I hope a system like this would come into Grounded to give light to a new class for players to enjoy. As always, thank you for your time.
  2. First I just want to say I love this game. Didn’t know about it until it released but fell in love with it ever sense. I want this game to be the best it can so I’m going to try and give some decent feedback from a casual ideal prospective. Cozy meter: The idea is awesome and work’s wonderfully, until 4 going to 5. The idea of your base progressing as you progress is great, but then that idea breaks when trying to progress to 5. It feels like you have to clutter the base with a lot in such a small area just to get the final things. People usually expand their bases outwards but having it stay in a 6x6 feels very restrictive. I think the best way is to have the area expand by a bit with every cozy level. Then it doesn’t feel like you have to clutter one room to get the buildables and perks. The Bow: Having an updating that expands on the bow class is awesome, but it just misses the shot for me. The bow doesn’t feel very significant from others in its class for it being a boss weapon. The apex perk feels very underpowered considering what the other weapons got, a wasp that does one attack and dies. Let alone you can accidentally kill it. I feel like having the summoner class mixed with archery is good especially in single player, but the wasp just doesn’t do a lot. I feel like it can be more powerful sense you need the boss weapon and a mutation from a separate boss. The Armor: The armor is good, but it’s hard to find the indication to tell if your fully charged or not. This set being a combo heavy. Just a little meter or something on the screen would help a lot with this. Other than that it feels normal in other senses. Concluding thoughts: The update is great with mutations and just adding more to the game itself. The only thing I hope they add is taking friendly fire off of custom only. The amount of times I have accidentally murdered my party with the Mask of the Mother Demon is insane XD. But overall I’m glad this game is getting love by the devs and has a great community. Thank you for your time.
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