Since i read about soul annihilation my neurons activated so i want to make a melee soul blade for a POTD upscaled + all dlc run, i have never played the last 2 DLC
I have some question on how to go about It
1) Is single class worth it? I imagine the higher max focus would be nice but i see a lot of people talk about MC, specially with rogue or monk and also, if i would simply use SA and little else, SC seems like a waste, what can be done with MC?
2) stat wise, per and dex seemed like a no brainer, +acc and speed are always good but what about might? Should i leave it at 14-15 or heavily invest into it? Same deal with int
3) regardless of SC or MC, what else would you recommend from the active abilities of the cipher? I was thinking borrowed insticts for the acc and honestly, little else seemed worth it
4) i also would like to make use of seekers fang (eventually) so it got me thinking about using one handed style, for single enemy boss fights al least, maybe magistrate cudgel could work? Stuns on crit seems good
Sorry if im rambling or being to vague and as always thanks a lot for the help!