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Everything posted by l3org

  1. Very disappointed in the lackluster pet system. Can't tame 95% or more of the insects in the yard. What's the point of a pet system if you can only tame a couple useless and worthless pets that only carry your garbage for you and give a slight buff? It's more hassle than it's even worth. Compared to other games with pet management systems, this one is a half baked disaster. With how limited the system is, I've got zero interest in even using it. It's boring, bland, featureless and extremely limited. You guys need to fix this. I can without hesitation say that with the pet system being the way it is on top of bugs and glitches that haven't been fixed since Early Access, this game is not worth $50CDN and the fact that they're asking half a hundred dollars for the game is shameful. Reasons I don't support Early Access games anymore. Every single time a company throws their game into Early Access, features get skipped, bumped, omitted entirely or half baked then or later on. It's always the same old song and dance with games that land in Early Access. With only rare exceptions do companies using Early Access do a proper job through Early Access and afterwards. This is why I don't support you using Early Access anymore, Obsidian Entertainment. You got your cash in Early Access and then you cut features short - like they all do.
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