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Everything posted by HellbillyBob

  1. I guess I'll have to decide then whether I find blast more useful in combat or using it to break multiple crates. Disappointing that I can't have it both ways.
  2. Tested again and it doesn't matter what order you choose these abilities in, having bounce and blast at the same time, even if you choose bounce first always kills blast. Really disappointing. If it's an actual feature and not a bug Obsidian needs to change to tooltip to let you know that you can only have one or the other.
  3. I'll test later tonight and see if getting bounce first will let you have both.
  4. Just tested, absolutely 100% Bounce completely breaks Blast. You should only be able to choose one or the other if they can't work together instead of this broken system they have at the moment that allows you to burn points and cash on non functional abilities that you have to reset everything and then choose between to fix. Obsidian should've known better and put more effort into actually testing the game thoroughly before release.
  5. Exactly the same problem. This game is so full of bugs and useless companion A.I and mechanics I'm wondering why I bothered spending good money on it. I should've just bought a bottle of Glenfiddich instead and got drunk while playing Destiny 2 instead of this bugged rubbish.
  6. The biggest criticism I have is that the companions are complete idiots. Why would you design companions that just rush straight ahead through every trap in every room as you're trying to disarm them? They keep getting hit requiring me to burn through resources to either heal them or myself because I've been hit thanks to the fact they just ran through 3 or 4 tripwires in a row setting off every trap in the entire room because their A.I is atrocious. I'm sick of it. The companion system is utterly atrocious, stupid companions and no way to tell them to stand still or set them to my control only. This needs to be fixed ASAP. I'm over it.
  7. This is STILL an issue. Nearly 6 months later & Obsidian has done less than nothing to fix this problem. I've given up on using my pet, it's completely incapable of following me. It couldn't even find the door in my shelter, I had to dismantle & rebuild half of it because the stupid thing couldn't work out what a door was FFS? Are you ever going to fix this Obsidian or is it just another New Vegas style bug that you expect to PC community to mod out & console owners be damned?
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