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Everything posted by Skurblord

  1. Sorry for the late response. Its PC Steam with just 2 players total both on steam. Medium difficulty. The Ping fluctuates between unplayable to mediocre. As I said before me and the other player are in the same city. Less than 5 minutes from each other. We share the same ISP with more than enough speed. Doesn't matter which of us hosts. The non-hosting player gets a really bad connection. We don't have issues with getting kicked. Just ping issues.
  2. So me and a friend have been having consistent high pings for the non host player. We both have the steam version of the game. We both live in the same city just a few minutes from each other with the same ISP. As I understand the game uses P2P so this should be a near perfect case for it. Any idea's on what to do to help this? Its nearly unplayable in multiplayer when you have to block and jump over a second early to time things right...
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