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About Stainless

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  1. exactly as the title suggest, implement jumping spiders into the game, as the 4th tamable pet. The pet buff could boost your jump height.
  2. the ability to seal the haze seems like an unannounced choice, because it has a larger impact on the environment. I do wish there was some sort of warning or info about what would happen if you seal the haze. Haven't seen anything suggesting there is, although I acknowledge there might of been a mention in the lore material I've ignored so far).
  3. Same thing, just sent in an email. My observation is stuttering begins around the first day/night cycle (within the first 5-10 minutes), and gets progressively worse with each continuing day/night cycle (every 12 minutes). After 2-3 in-game days, it's so bad that it resembles a continuous severe frame rate drop. The only fix I've found is to super quit and relaunch. But that only lasts for 5-10 minutes before the problem comes back.
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