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About TriggeredDodge

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    Anime and survival games
  1. I killed the two wolf spiders inside of the tree one in game day ago, I went back there and they have respawned again. Before this update they would be gone for at least 5 in game days.
  2. Yeah, in the most recent update they made it to where insects shouldn't get stuck in the ground anymore. I have yet to get to the sandbox in my play through but it sounds like those orb weavers shouldn't be bugged like that
  3. That sounds cool but it also sounds like it would be hell.
  4. I thought that this was meant to be a feature where it comes back if it's not too far away. It's happened since early access for me.
  5. Something similar happened to me, I was sorting my food chest (which has 80% mushrooms) when the game decided to crash. The only main difference is that mine was on Xbox. I've submitted a bug report already but who knows if that'll do much of anything
  6. Xbox and Windows Store players can rename Storage chests again as long as their profile allows User Generated Content to be shown. This was in the version 1.0.2 patch notes which just released today. So it might work now
  7. The "Got to Peep Them All" Achievement no longer requires having all Gold cards. This is in the version 1.0.2 patch notes which just released today. It might work now
  8. They removed too many features in the 1.0 that should've stayed, imo games not ready enough to have the full release because of how buggy it is still after 2 years. The problem with your wolf spider is that it might just be roaming under the map somewhere and might be able to phase back into it at any time.
  9. I'm unsure if such a feature exists but if one of the many orb weavers was stuck in the ground or the fence I would still hear it and possibly see parts of it sticking out. The thing is that I've not heard anything or seen anything. I've went though about 48 days since I made the post and the only orb weavers that spawn are the big one and jr. by the milk carton and bombardier beetles, but those ones spawn once every 10-12 days when it's usually every 3. It could just be that my games bugged but it's both annoying and helpful since I don't have the issue of running into them randomly meanwhile i need to go out of my way to get web fiber and spider parts.
  10. I submitted a bug report about it a few days ago and I'd imagine it's going to be fixed in a patch or two since they already knew about the bug. I've not had the issue with meaty gnats as much but I see it most often in the flooded region. A fix I have found is that if they land on a player built platform like a grass floor they don't fall through, the issue is that it's tedious and honestly a waste of time unless you really need to kill them
  11. I have the same issue, it does count for the gold creature card though
  12. It could be meaning all the gold ones since they are different cards as well
  13. You could use the icons and change its color to something that would match or that you'd remember
  14. It irritated me as well but I looked at it as "now I get to start the new update fresh" instead of having some of the best equipment. If you really wanted to, just enable creative or no build costs and get you back up to that point to later disable it.
  15. I just submitted one, thank you
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