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Posts posted by VastShadowz41

  1. [

    I would like they balance well the weapons skills , the only good weapon to upgrade is the pistol. I upgraded shotgun almost to max and still do the same damage that when don't have skill invested.


    I just noticed this. Sometimes I feel like I'm shooting BB pellets at guards. It should be killing them from medium range by now with the amount I have invested into it and I'm only getting kills if they're at a quarter health from death and nearly point blank with all pellets hitting from the shotgun.


    Shotgun damage definintly needs to be buffed. Incidieary rounds are working better than regular shotgun rounds, and I honestly don't see much of a need for the flechette rounds. I haven't used them once.

  2. The problem with a sequel like this is two things


    1. It can go completely wrong and end up like DX: Invisible War


    2. Or it can improve things but take away a lot of RPG elements like Mass Effect 2


    The problem is I liked being universally combat capable in Mass Effect 2, since as a Soldier I could be just as proficient with a sniper rifle as I could with an AR, shotgun, or pistol, etc. etc.


    As it is here, you have to dump points into weapon skills in order to not suck with them. So you trade universal combat over stat RPG based combat, etc. etc.


    Honestly I'm on the fence both ways. Regardless, I'd like greater customization of Thorton, preferably full face and armor look customs, and better visual weapon upgrades.


    Ironically I hated how every other weapon I got in Mass Effect 1 was a reskin with the same look. The designers did the same here yet when ME2 came out there was a vastly diminished amount of weapons available and I suddenly missed all the guns from ME1. So as far as I'm concerned, keep the weapon reskins in, but perhaps put in more new looks rather than a new paint job for every single one.

  3. Ever since Resident Evil 4 and Mass Effect 1, I have highly enjoyed New Game +, or the ability to take my weapons, skills, money, etc. etc. into a new game to go back and really kick butt or upgrade further. The feature alone is what keeps me coming back to play over and over again.


    Though I still haven't completed my first playthrough, I was sad to learn this feature is not exactly in. Choosing Veteran after going through on Recruit is doubtful to have the exact same effect, as I'd have to go and collect weapons and everything all over again.


    Then again, I'm sure to play through the game again two or three more times, but I'd do so with even more enthusiasm if New Game + was included with a patch or DLC.

  4. A sequel would be great and would fix the majority of the game's issues. I do hope Obsidian takes a cue from Bioware, let game profiles from AP1 carry over to AP2 so your decisions from that game have ramifications in AP2, etc. etc.


    Because that's definintly how they should play it out, go the Mass Effect 2 route.

  5. While I haven't completed my first playthrough yet I have enjoyed AP so far. There are a couple outstanding issues I've come across since:


    1. Checkpoints

    Feels pretty dated at this point and I would have preferred a Save Anywhere feature. I honestly wouldn't mind them so much if they didn't prevent me from backtracking to explore a locked room or corridor I decided to pass earlier. Usually by the time then it's too late since I don't know where the checkpoints would be and I'd miss any loot or intel I could have picked up. I doubt this would be changed until a sequel comes out.


    2. Texture pop in.

    I know a few other RPGs that have had this issue plaguing them but it's pretty bad here. A patch would be nice to fix this.


    3. More visual customizaiton

    I wish there was more customization we could do with Thorton as there aren't a lot of options. Some DLC would be nice, maybe some night vision goggles (or heck, a G22 soldier outfit would be cool), a few more hair styles, etc. etc.


    Also, some of the weapon upgrade visuals are rather underwhelming. Granted, some are internal upgrades which we wouldn't be able to see but I replaced a laser sight on my pistol with a reflex sight, and there was no visual change at all. The same would go with magazine upgrades like the shotgun which would show a box magazine. Wouldn't Thorton just replace the box mag with a new one rather than individually loading shells like normal?


    All in all, the game definintly could have used more polishing time, but I'm enjoying it so far. I haven't really researched Obsidian nor have I purchased a Sega game in over a decade so I have no idea what their track record is for post-release support.

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