Mmh, I still remember how I drooled for Powermonger. Populous had been quite addictive indeed and I bought in on the hype. I still find it quite incredible that I spent a better part of an hout trying to kill all the trees on one of the smaller islands
Regarding the topic, while KOTOR did leave something of an unpleasant aftertaste, I admit I also enjoyed it. I guess I'm just chorusing what people here have already said with minigames, the easy and silly combat and railroading being things I would want to see fixed. However what irritates me most is the characters. I admit it's somewhat of a personal issue. NPC driven rpgs like KOTOR simply do not offer sufficent room for believable human relationships outside one or two heavily scripted directions. Perhaps the harder developers try to flesh out lifelike characters, the more the flaws stick out. Stereotypes and caricatures tend to work better, also limiting the interaction. HK-47, or whatever was the name of the meatbag droid, was an entertaining character, but did it have depth? No. Carth and Bastila felt like insensitive people completly devoid of interpersonal skills. Well, to be fair, they aren't people But the fact that they were being sold of as characters with whom I could actually interact just did not work for me.
I wonder when games will implement an option to daze through conversations '[Your eyes glaze as you drift deep in your thoughts]'.
Also the whole dark/light side division was realized a bit shabbily. I found the choices to be quite often rather petty, with the dark side options being mainly silly bullying. I guess the only time the dark side options might have made sense was at the sith academy. I do admit it's been too long since I played, I do not remember details, only the general irritation the decision making gave me.
Well, KOTOR2 is still better than nothing, but I'd like to see some original work, not all these licenses/sequels.