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Everything posted by KC-Tang

  1. Your loss. Sorry to hear that .
  2. @ Karzak: http://www.gamesector.co.yu/avenger/ I think you'll love it...and I agree with the "Why BIO why?", but at least the suffering won't hurt that much.
  3. @ Karzak... did you intentionally miss out on the aVenger Rogue Rebalancing Mod comment or something else? I can guarantee you if you've installed that one and play through SoA you wouldn't be that negative about how thieves are treated. FYI, I have that mod installed all the time.
  4. With Throne of Bhaal, Thieves and Bards were allowed to use and make scrolls or to Use Any Item. I agree that ToB is a Uber Item Campaign. And again, I'd be happy to point to aVengers Rogue Rebalancing Mod which 'upps' the Thieves/Bards to their Pnp counterparts, which also included some Thief-specialty weapons without overpoweredness. A part from the possible Thief nerfness, SoA has been a good game. I still play it.
  5. If possible, replayability would do it for me, or or in other words, randomization
  6. @ Karzak: Well... ToB did solve a lot of those things you've mentioned, and aVenger did a lot of good stuff in rebalancing the Thief in BG2. And overall, isn't BG2 a good game?
  7. A New Spam
  8. There should be a limit people can put Images in their signatures as well. I've come across serveral posts where the Signature+Image >>> original post. I don't mind sigs though, but a limit to the size would be nice. Edit: didn't notice the other thread about sigs. Consider this part of that thread then.
  9. The Empire Spams Back !
  10. Orange Juice
  11. @ Sojiro Seta: just focusing the spamming baby in all of us, my dear Watson, On topic: Spamgetti
  12. Multi-Spammer
  13. Fun
  14. Maid
  15. Spam Time Strategy
  16. chamber
  17. Role Spamming Game
  18. Emperor
  19. Roman
  20. Motherspammer
  21. Age
  22. Spaminstrator
  23. ^ Yup... (thumbsup) Spamtertainment
  24. Tom Cruise (cough cough)
  25. Seeing that Word Association is up as well, might as well put the Spam-a-Rific game in motion as well: For the peeps who don't know this game: Just take an ordinary word and replace a part of it with the word spam So Obsidian could be Ob-spam-dian or Spam-sidian. Got it? Let's start: Spamject X
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