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Everything posted by subedii

  1. Personally there is now WAY that I could rate Fallout 3 above Alpha Protocol. I mean people talk about bad animation, and lacklustre shooting mechanics, and all I can think is that Fallout 3 had those in spades. Combined with horrible character models and some really, really bad writing with a story that I'm not sure I could care less about if I actively tried. And I say all that thinking that Fallout 3 was actually a really good game. But I just completed Alpha Protocol and I really can't get how people will call this out on bad animation (admittedly it's not stellar, but it's at the very least passable, or maybe I'm just more tolerant) and dock points for that. When in comparison Fallout 3 the characters look as if they're ice-skating on the desert sands but that's alright because it's Bethesda and we expect bad animation from them. It's bizarre. I have to say the writing and the storyline of AP really did impress me. The conversations felt more natural and flowing than most RPG's on the market. I don't even think Mass Effect 2 came out on top there.
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