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Posts posted by Kabraxis

  1. @Few: Same here, so amazing. I really hope for a good amount of character creation options for these kind of characters.


    (And also i hope for a better character creation than it is in Fallout: New Vegas which I started to play today. Never had so many problems creating a character that I like (only talking about character appearance, giving stats to the character was great). I think it was mainly because of the small window, in which you can see your character (during creation), is only about 1/12 of the screen, probably less. But... maybe that's just me. :) )

  2. Pet - anything but a dog. Seriously, it's been done, then done again, then done and done and done. It must be time for a cat to have its day.


    I fully agree.

    Also I don't really like the idea of a (baby?) dragon or something as a pet... dragons should be rare, powerful creatures, right?

    Cat is fine for me... or a elemental... like the idea of it. But it is probably missing personality then? Hmmm...


    Maybe we can get a companion cube? Hrhr... :getlost:


    Anyway, I love the new update, great stuff. Modding support, horray!

    • Like 1
  3. @Nakia and Gensou: Did one of you create that signature? Is it possible to get the shield as a template for new avatars? I'd love to update mine with a lil' Companion Cube in it. ;)


    Or LordCrash? Maybe an avater version of yours? Looks awesome, too. I can imagine that it could get the right shape for an avatar, if the pennant/banner thingy (sorry, don't know the right term) would be a little bit higher maybe... and the Uroboros a little bit bigger so that I can get my Cube in it, haha. Nah, don't want to bother you. Maybe I try to create something myself.



    And wow, the Obsidian Order is really growing. So many new people, welcome everyone!

    And people are making so much effort with stuff like the poem or these graphics. :)

  4. A possibility to join the order is WAY too much in my opinion. Even a house with some random drunk (haha, that idea was fantastic :D) NPCs who pretend to be of the Obsidian Order would be asked pretty much. After all, we are doing this without asking for any kind of physical or digital reward, right? We're here to support the project, not to get into the game. Don't forget that, folks. :)


    Anyway, dreaming is okay and if we really could get around 600 members... why collecting any extra money? It would be much eaiser to simply ask Obsidian. Or if we reach around 250 members (2000$+), maybe we can get one or two unique weapons of the Ancient Obsidian Order into the game (as a reference). ;)


    Asking Obsidian (in a humble way) should be the best way! But until then we should try to get more members to additionally support the project. :)



    Edit: I think we are close to 120 members. Edit: 122 ;)

    • Like 1
  5. I loved to read the books of the Diablo and Mass Effect series. Also read Metro 2033 (yes, I know, book came first) and am now reading The Witcher.


    Especially Diablo: The Sin War added so much background to Diablo. I enjoyed playing Diablo 2 much more after that.


    I'm surprised that 25% chose the "I'm a player, not a reader" option. Especially players of dialog-heavy RPGs like Planescape Torment or Baldurs Gate love to read, don't they? And I think that also Eternity will have a lot of text to read anyway.


    I think that pre-release short stories or even a novel would be a fantastic idea to introduce players to the world (and also as an addition to the lower reward tiers). Of course nobody should be forced to read them. Everything important that happens in the novels should also be explained ingame in some (random) dialogs. Like in Diablo 3 or Mass Effect 2/3 or of course The Witcher.


    This way people who don't want to read a whole novel do not miss anything.. and people who read it will be like "Oh, that's great reference to the novel/short story" when playing the game. I loved these moments in Mass Effect 2.



    Edit: In Mass Effect 2 there even was a sidequest with a crashed space ship that you could find. It was a normal sidequest... but if you read the novel you would already know the ship as it was reported missing. That was brilliant!

  6. It's... it's perfect. @ BatNat. From now on you shall be known as the Poet, nah, as the Bard of the Obsidian Order. :D


    @mieu: Wow, that's cool. Because of the lack of color I allowed myself to add some parchment-ish color to it... :) New Companion Cube avatar. :D


    So if someone is interested... I personally like it... at least. Parchment Template:


    • Like 1
  7. Highly depends.


    For example.. Dragon Age: Origins. I think it was called The Deep Roads (played it in German, so not sure) and it really bored me to death after the first hour. The design was poor. [...] It always looked the same.



    Buf if it is well designed... sure. I would like to see a huge dungeon.


    A massive dungeon could go so many differnet ways. I mean you could start off in some crappy cave, then sooner or later turns into a crazy underground tunnel, and finally some Necromancers underground Keep of Deathly Apocalyptic Hello Kitty Doom.


    And bring teh story along with it the entire way.


    That's what I am talking about.

    Hello Kitty Doom, haha.

  8. I think noone of us would actually mind a little (easteregg?) reference to the Obsidian Order ingame.

    BUT I also think we shouldn't ask for anythink. Giving us unique titles on the forums already is really awesome!


    We startet doing this without asking for anykind of physical or digital reward and it should always stay this way. This is about fun and supporting the project, nothing else. :)

    And again BUT... maybe we can get enough members to reach additional $5000 to create a Adventuring Company (the reward tier) as a group if we could somehow manage that. That would be pretty damn amazing.

  9. Highly depends.


    For example.. Dragon Age: Origins. I think it was called The Deep Roads (played it in German, so not sure) and it really bored me to death after the first hour. The design was poor. Thankfully it became interesting again in the end with a nice little boss battle and the voices you heard.

    So the story behind it was okay in my opinion but the level design was boring. It always looked the same.


    If we have a huge dungeon then I hope that it is varied, especially in level design. I need to feel that I am making progress.. no, i need to SEE it.

    I think The Deep Roads used exactly the same tile set for three levels and there were no details that could make the levels more interesting at all!


    Buf if it is well designed... sure. I would like to see a huge dungeon.


    (Voted for partially needed for story progression by the way. Nobody should be forced to do it all if it is massive. Or completely alternative)

  10. Yep, just be patient. :) So here is the updated list of missing forum titles I just created when scrolling through the pages of this thread. (Btw I still think we're some kind of a sect... a religion. :D



    Alper, Sage of the Obsidian Order

    Kabraxis, Companion Cube of the Obsidian Order

    Coffeeminx, Tea Lady to the Obsidian Order

    Leshy, Hussar of the Obsidian Order

    Pangur, White Cat of the Obsidian Order

    Skaelight ('aka' Paul) - Obsidian Order Poultry Inspector

    dablue, Guarddog of the Obsidian Order

    Shardbearer, Herald of the Obsidian Order

    Jalister, Eternal Champion of the Obsidian Order


    Mieu, Lich Battlemage Of The Obsidian Order

    Tocath, Sous Chef of the Obsidian Order

    WDeranged, Ordinator of The Obsidian Order

    Torgo, Innkeeper of the Obsidian Order

    Luuke, Interrogator of the Obsidian Order

    Boo, Hamnster of the Obsidian Order

    LokiHades, Knight Drei of the Obsidian Order

    O.DOGG, Obsidian Order Outcast

    Bluemage, Agent of the Obsidian Order

    Jon of the Wired, Grognard of the Obsidian Order

    Brendaron, Obsidian Order's Dark Sword

    jellydonut, Pencil Sharpener of the Obsidian Order

    Elerond, One of the Obsidian Order

    Jaesun, Rainbow of The Obsidian Order

    Madzookeeper, Wetboy of the Obsidian Order

    Makura, Mascot of the Obsidian Order

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