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About Accursedimmortal

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  1. After completing POE 1's complete edition on console and loving it, I couldn't wait to play the sequel. A year later I saw a teaser which showed the sequel as a pirate game. All that desire and yearning disappeared. I'm posting this because I just finished deadfire. It's a wonderful game but I know what my issues were which can shed a light to poor sales. 1. Fantasy and pirates are a strange combination. I hated it immediately, and pushed it from my mind. Years later, I wanted to experience POE again through it's sequel irregardless of pirates. 2. Divinity Origin Sin 2 occupied my time on the PS4 when POE 2 was released. In many ways DOS 2 was a superior game to POE 1. Not just in gameplay but the story itself had less world building and therefore less jargon to remember. The technical aspects of short loading times were a godsend. 3. POE 1's ending was very conclusive. So seeing Eothas taking over a statue that destroyed my base felt like overreaching plot. Why not the body of a living giant instead? After purchasing it I picked up and put it down several times. 4. Loading screens every new area including going inside a house. It made playing this game a chore. I'd prefer a single long loading screen with no loading afterwards like Witcher 3.
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