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Everything posted by mega

  1. thanks, amazing LACK of support. I know its kinda hard to fix and even embarrassing that a setting can get to use like a 30% extra gpu from high to ultra, but I had faith on devs. this game is dead, support wise, and I cant keep my 300h playthrough. THANKS FOR 0 SUPPORT, OBSIDIAN!
  2. Agreed, its kinda comic / cartnoony. It happened like 3-4 patches ago, black widows also doing similar. Hope its fixed.
  3. Hello, I am a longtime Grounded player, with a current playthrough of about 200h, and more played before EA. I have an issue with shadows on EPIC, that can only be solved by lowering them to high in the config file, but resulting in a kinda noticeable worse image. The situation is mostly with lights and their shadows, and most noticeable at night, and specially in my main base. I play at epic 2k with FSR ultra, on a 3060ti / i5 11600 / 16gb ram 3200mhz, nvme SSD, and it runs at solid 100 fps. But the lights, even when most of them removed, can lower my fps to about 50 something - 60 fps. Reflections also have an impact, as this happens mostly in my base at a soda can, which reflects lights and shadows with detail, and looks kinda cool. The problem is I almost stopped playing despite still having too much to do, as I got annoyed by the sluggish performance on my main base. But lowering shadows in the config file makes even a normal plant leaf to look not so good, so I cant really do that. An example of the quality loss is the Firefly Hanging Lantern make no light on shadow quality 2 vs 3. Looks like this happened to other people for some time already, so I am trying to bring attention to this, as a drop of almost 40 fps on high vs epic shadows really screams optimization issue. This thread on steam is an example: https://steamcommunity.com/app/962130/discussions/0/5635717345361841957/#c5635717345363646660 " Drop to High settings. I have issues with EPIC with Shadows and Lighting being crazy demanding. To test to see if it is that, turn off all your lights in your base and see what frame-rate you get " " Another option is to open the "GameUserSettings.ini" file, and try just lowering shadows down a notch, but nothing else. This will give you Ultra settings for all except shadow effects. Shadows cast by lights at your base causing fps drops was brought up in another thread on release day and I can confirm that just lowering that one setting in the ini file resolves the fps issue they cause, at least for me. " " sg.Shadowquality = x", where X is 3 if you are on ultra. Just change the 3 to a 2 and the issue with constructed torches/lights goes away (as do the shadows they cast). " posted on reddit aswell, hope somebody can help!
  4. Hey, let me focus on an aspect I think its overtuned or bad balanced: The bugs healing very fast once you disengage with them for less than 5 seconds or if they dont find a valid pathing to you in the 3 seconds you are jumping from one point to another, or simply kiting. Legit kiting, not even trying to cheese them by getting them blocked with some obstacle. This issue makes the ranged gameplay not very fun. While still doable (I played over 200h so far) it is not very fun to see how a bug at less than 5 meters from you is "confused" on whether to keep chasing you, or disengaging from combat cause the AI cant find a path for 1second while you kite. Resulting in their hp being healed. I understand its an anti cheese mechanic, like bugs climbing, which makes ranged more fun as its not so easily abusable. But their HP regend should be a slow regen, not a "healing to full in 3s"
  5. There is a new anti cheese mechanic, the insects jump, that while it can still be improved, is a good anti cheese mechanic, loreful as well. The enemies replenishing health is a temporary anti cheese mechanic that was useful not to make ranged combat trivial, but is now redundant.In fact, if you now play with the new rules "insects can chase you by jumping" you can have very fun encounters, using ranged, shooting a little, running, climbing, changing the branch cause the spider also jumped etc, but gets broken / in conflict with the health replenish mechanic, making enemies replenish their health a couple times when they cant trace a path to you for a nanosecond, then they find it, and while at a 1-3m distance, they get their health replenished.
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  6. I just started experimenting with pets, and even with heavy baby sitting, they easily die. Mostly, when they have a pathing error (like not finding the way to access your base) they take a big turnaround and get lost, or go into the haze territory etc (which can be interrupted by petting them, where their pathing IA, like a gps, retraces a new route, lol) Looks like the custom game options, those I wont have access until devs add the ability to change them midgame, have the option to make pets invincible. Is there any console related or mod related way to do that? Otherwise, for me, the pet feature is kinda useless as it is now (due to pathing errors mostly)
  7. So I play in spanish, and theres a good dozen of points of interest, all from the latest 2-3 updates, that are not translated. In the previous update, those points, when you discovered them or when burgl sent you there etc, were named like "ES 55 Error" or similar. Now in this patch, this was changed, but not fixed. Now when I find a point of interest like the access to upper yard, it says in english "Point of interest 54" or similar. And the ooooonly way to really find out what is it, is going to options, changing language to english. So it would be better if A) we had the points of interest translated. Im sure you have people working for this, but I could translate them in an afternoon (its been like 6 months with them untranslated) or B) have them display their correct name in english, until the day you decide to translate it. I am a little angry that I had to personally report this in this official forums so it gets, maybe, adressed sometime. Early access is for providing feedback so devs implement it, right? its not even feedback ,its a bug fix report. This issue has been mentioned in steam forums, by speakers of many languages (so afaik, germans or french are probably getting same issue) and also in reddit. Its not gamebreaking, but theres a point where you dont understand the developers adding so much great content, but this kinda relevant bug staying there for months.
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